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Ideograms: mental R.A.D.A.R. signatures

Writer's picture: Gabriel BobocGabriel Boboc

Is there a physics of psychic abilities? A physics of Remote Viewing? There seems to be a structure out there. A structure that is uncovered meticulously, session after session, discussion after discussion, by remote viewers. We are all archaeologists digging up a giant structure that remained buried under layers of ignorance for thousands of years.

And if there is structure, we can be sure there is physics associated with it. I know many people would love the word "physics" not to appear next to what they call a "spiritual" occupation. Unfortunately emotions are not felt without a physical apparatus and it can be proven by numerous experiments and lobotomies.

The ideas in this article are my own searches and methods to understand the phenomenon of RV and the world we live in. Under no circumstances am I going against established CRV protocols since I am a certified level 6 advanced remote viewer.

However, the underlying mechanism of this protocol hasn't yet been explained or researched fully and we are still a long distance from that to happen. This is why these are my efforts to try and find parallels and systematize my understanding in a logical manner. And why not, it may serve even as a memory map or mnemonics. I need to have a structure to hang my knowledge on.

But what kind of physics could those be?

Obviously not classical ones but to some respect RV is following the path of least resistance, as I have observed from discussions and sessions. In this article I will show two kinds of parallels that I have found while pondering on this subject. One is the parallel to electric currents and flows. The second and most interesting is the parallel to R.A.D.A.R. theory.

Electric RV?

In this approach I am starting from the idea that there is a potential manifesting in between the viewer's mind and the target. The mind is pouring out and receiving a constant flow of mind particles, radially. If we want to establish a flow of information in between the target and the mind we must have a voltage applied such that a current of mind particles reaches the target.

This resembles a lot the architecture and function of a triode. A triode is composed of three electrodes. Instead of mind particles, electrons are emitted and controlled. So we are going now to describe only using the term mind particles for the sake of not repeating the same explanation.

Our mind is already having a charge and mind particles are going to be accelerated by a special grid or ring electrode which is the target number(TRN) or the cue, towards the target site.

Thus, a special form of current, flow, is established. In triodes, what the middle control electrode is doing, is to help pulling electrons from one electrode and without absorbing them, to launch them towards the second electrode. In this way electric current is formed and controlled in intensity by the middle grid, the control grid.

The first stage of RV is always like a discharge. A lightning. It is the first ideogram which is done in under a second preferably. In that moment the distance is penetrated by the mind particles current.

Just as in lightning, this is not done only one way. Always there is a streamer or counter lightning forming from the target and meeting the incoming flux. Then the discharge is happening.

It is obvious that while declaring a TRN and cue, we are in fact establishing a voltage in between the mind and the target site, mediated and controlled by the TRN, the cue and the...well, the controller or "the monitor". The monitor comes with minute interventions, and these minute interventions correspond perfectly to the fact that the middle grid must have a low potential. Too great of a potential would short circuit the particles flux towards the intention of the tasker and not towards the target.

Usually, in a triode, the emitting electrode is heated in order for free electrons to start escaping from the metal (thermionic effect). So once this happens we get 4 main possible situations:

1) the particles are reabsorbed by the electrode and they do not reach any target. This is the same as the mind interacting with itself and generating Analytic Overlays. Day dreaming.

2) the particles are accelerated by the control grid but the intent of the tasker is so strong and the expectations so much biased that the particle current will follow the least resistance path and shortcut towards the cue and the tasker's mind or even the controller. Again, target is not reached. We are describing now someone's expectations.

3) everything is perfectly accelerated towards the target but suddenly a much stronger potential appears in the picture which makes the flux go towards the new object of interest. Target missed.

4)everything is going well, the viewer has a good day, the control electrode( tasker, monitor) drank their coffee and relaxed, no other show is distracting us and the mind particles fly directly towards the target. And we'll exemplify with the following diagram:

The deviation of the mind particles flow can be caused by any other kind of event that may disrupt even the feedback or for example if something interferes with a future event that we had to describe during session.

And yet why does the mind align itself to find the target? What is it and why do we have that second streamer coming from the target towards the mind flux?

My view is that since the mind is nonlocal, our mind is already at the target site too and it extends from there too some tendrils, or why not dendrites. Because I will show how in my view, the process of remote viewing is also a mean for creating synapses in our energetic infinitely expanded mind. Our real external brain is amazingly vast.

It is like we are both the target and the viewer and we simply form an enclosed system. Just like when we bring the tips of our fingers together.

In black and white, the next image is showing upward streamers preparing to meet with the incoming lightning, on top of buildings.

Again, seeing our mind as a radial field expanding to infinity, the TRN is acting as a concentrator, narrowing a lot the search area, towards the target. And we'll talk some more on this aspect.

The next image is showing how I envisaged this idea.

The cues are accelerating the intention towards the target, they are concentrating the mind field in a general area where the target may be. That is why we do not describe the cues usually in the sessions. Just as in electric diodes or particles accelerators, the electrons do not interact with the magnets or grids, they are only influenced by their fields, such they are only touching the end target.

So not only the viewer must have mental discipline but also the tasker. The monitor may be part of the control grid.

If the mind starts going on a wrong track then it usually starts interacting with itself and sees itself as parts of the target. This reduces the voltage in between mind and CONTROL GRID and TARGET and the intention is no longer accelerated towards the TARGET.

There should be a feeling of flow but coming from the mind and yet part of the mind field is still accelerated by the GRID so we feel a contradiction, the feeling that we are not describing the right TARGET.

Somehow the viewer can sense the pull of the CONTROL GRID and if there are two conflicting cues the viewer will start seeing there is another cue when nearly entering a flow with the first one. Because that is the moment he can actually start seeing the two flows evolving enough to diverge and starts wondering: ok, why do I seem to get farther away from that one as I follow this one? Are these in fact two cues? Did they want something else from me?

Leaving behind the electromagnetic model, I can observe that remote viewing has a probabilistic aspect, which together with the quantum aspect of the mind, shows me we are dealing with a quantum physics of the psi phenomena.

The fact that we are speaking of a percentage of accuracy and we can see each descriptor has a probability to appear and also a weight, makes me think of a sketchy initial formula of the probability flow. Yes, probabilities flow and behave like a liquid. And like waves too.

In quantum physics, all the probabilities involved in a certain event, process, phenomenon, must add to precisely 1. In RV we can say that we'll never have 100% accuracy so the formula should look like:

Accuracy+Displacements+Random noise=1 or A+D+R=1

In order for Accuracy to be 1, or 100% we'd need displacements and noise to go to zero.

If we call all descriptors observables and we give them probabilities and add them in a certain way, we'll get to a wave function and interference patterns. I could say that whenever we get in S2 for example colour descriptors one after another we have a constructive interference, we get detail and information is growing. And when we get one after another words coming from two or three different stages, or not having anything in common, like blue-apple-tall we get a destructive interference. The deducible logical information is very low. And here I define the interaction in between words to be defined by them being in sequence. It would result in something like a multiplication table or matrix. But this is just the start of a theory and it is to be taken just as an idea.

The weight of a certain descriptor should be linked to the probability of it being perceived by the viewer. And this weight seems to depend on two factors:

1) the inclination of the viewer towards such objects and emotional involvement

2) the distance from the beginning of the ideogram when it is probed.

As in David Morehouse's book(Remote Viewing: The Complete User's Manual for Coordinate Remote Viewing) is stated, there is a gravity center of the ideogram, and that gravity center is in the part most near to the TRN. There the important details will be found while towards the tail, the weight decreases.

Also we can use the idea of informational entropy. The degree of disorder or noise in the viewer and in the target are interplaying to give us a probability of hitting the target. We can model the entropy to represent the area of a sphere or a circle. Then, using geometric probabilities, we can say that the probability of hitting the target is proportional to the ratio in between S1 and S2 , the observer entropy and the target entropy. And here we are speaking about the informational entropy. The following image is showing this idea:

We can increase the Accuracy by either increasing the entropy of the target which would defeat the purpose of doing remote viewing or by decreasing as much as we can the disorder in the viewer's mind. And that is precisely what happens during cool down periods.

Remote viewing is in fact based on probabilities. The descriptors are observables and they each have a probability to be found. Some have a bigger weight probably because of psychological significance so they are more likely to be picked in the session.

R.A.D.A.R. RV?

As we already know, in RADAR detection, a signal, a wave is transmitted by an antenna, it hits the target and returns. The same antenna pick up the faint echo and then the signal is analyzed and decoded. We can find out from the signal about the dimensions of the object, general shape, velocity, direction, etc.

What struck me was the great resemblance in between the sudden act of drawing an ideogram upon receiving the TRN and the radar signature we get on oscilloscopes once the echo gets back to the antenna.

There is a quantum RADAR system formed by our quantum mind field, the brain, the cue and the structure of the remote viewing protocols. They are acting like decoding blocks from RADAR equipments.

Our mind field emits from the brain and receives, constantly, spherically, bursts of energy. They are read and kept into our subconscious mind. This would make for an innacurate radar unless we use remote viewing protocols.

RADARS use an antenna dish to:

1) focus their power and extend their range in a certain direction

2) minimize the search area by guiding the attention towards a general area.

This is precisely what the TRN and cues are doing. A cue is not telling us WHAT to see. It is only orienting our mind field towards a certain region in space and time and then it is our job to launch waves upon waves and see if there is anything in that direction and come up with details. Here below there is an image for how that works:

Just as in RADAR physics we are launching an energy burst towards those coordinates and our mind particles are hitting the target, returning a quick impression of what they reflected from. Since this is not about electromagnetic radiation, these mind particles are not only merely reflecting from surfaces. They are swiping the surface, feeling the surface, having all sorts of non classical behaviours on the given surface.

The return of the echo is instantaneous, this is why we do not feel like launching anything into space-time. We perceive it like the information is already in our minds. There is an even more subtle phenomenon happening but for now we stick to RADAR.

Upon reflection we have a graph called the RADAR signature of the target. If we examine it, it may not look like the target at all, just as it happens with our remote viewing ideograms. Clearly we hit something, somehow and we got a reflex response that gave us a wiggly graph. And everything is encoded in that graph if we let the remote viewing stages decode it while trying to filter out the noise from the signal.

The same problem RADAR technicians are facing. Here below we have the radar signatures of a missile. The greater the informational bandwidth, the more detailed the signature/ideogram. The lower our bandwidth, the simpler the ideogram, but this doesn't mean it doesn't encode information!

Even RADARS have a subconscious. A limen beneath which things may lie hidden inside chaos and noise. Good signals, powerful signals are breaching the treshold of the subconscious sufficiently for them to be recognized as such and noted.

Something else that this graph looks like is the electrical brain activity as recorded by sensors. There could be peaks of hundreds of thousands of neurons firing together coherently when a real signal is received and this is linked to biophotons too.

There is also a method to try and sort out good signals from the noise. If the graphs are added, usually the noise is not adding to form coherent structures, but real signal data does!

Image below:

This is why we fire multiple ideograms inside a session. The real data will tend to add and converge to a coherent structure.

And this is also why we work in teams. To filter out noise.

This is why ideograms do not have to necessarily describe perfectly the target nor resemble the target. It depends also on the angle of attack and in what kind of space is our mind operating into. Then the geometric projections of the signal may or may not look like the target. This is why we need to move the RADAR antenna or specify movements within sessions.

We could also implement whole motions in the cue. We could design cues that change with the current date or following other kinds of algorithms, maybe even encryption algorithms that will send every viewer to different locations every time the session is done. But this is already a form of programming and we are not discussing this.

Below are images of a sphere and a cube as waves are reflecting off of them:

And now we are getting again close to quantum physics. Usually a detection in the quantum world, the detection of a particle or object means that particle is suddenly localized and it's wave has a maximum, a peak in some region. If we leave it alone, after detection, that peak is going to rapidly flatten while the particle returns to the field property becoming non local.

When the mind is emitting a RADAR ping towards a direction specified by the cue, it has a peak power and the aperture is small, but we can get the signature of the target. Then as the session is approaching it's end, the peak is starting to flatten while the aperture is widening. More details come out about the target but with less and less power, and nearing more and more to the noise part of the graph.

So we must strengthen the signal curve by applying more and more pings or readings until we get to the end of session.

This is what stages 2,3,4 are doing while stage 5 is a last hit to the target through cues given by previous data, but the signal is dying off anyway.

So it is a fight against entropy , just like Nature does in order to reproduce and maintain internal equilibrium in bodies against decay.

Note that data starts to appear as a linear combination, elements interfere and we end up writing words from different categories under a single category. The fact that the words are one next to each other means interference patterns are taking place. The interaction in between two words is that they come up together, this is the algebraic multiplication definition in this case of RV.

The same phenomenon happens in double slit experiments. Or in ambiguous cued sessions.

How do we generate the RADAR signal?

Since our mind is in fact residing in the vacuum and it is encoded in the vacuum fluctuations, it is a scalar field. I tried not to talk about tachyons here but since the last time I studied about them, there seems some progress has been made in their theory. Tachyons appear anywhere we have an unstable system that can roll down to a lower energetic state and create real particles.

The brain is such a metastable system, the vacuum has the property of entangling systems that have never been in contact ever. If we have two metastable systems that are entangled, and they are a great distance apart, even if we say that tachyons do not exceed the speed of light nor carry energy, we'll have two tachyonic condensations happening at the same time even if they are at opposite sides of the universe.

From the internal reference frame of the system, a signal has been circulated but that doesn't bother us at all, since from our external point of view we could not detect it. we could say from our pint of view, there was a nonlocal phenomenon. But from the perspective of that entangled pair, everything was quite local.

Only from an external point of view it appears that there is a faster than light communication. From the internal point of view of the nonlocal mind, no transfer has been made. That is what most skeptics do not understand. There is relativity involved here.

When you are touching a particle which is entangled to another particle ten light years away, you are not touching a particle! You are touching a system and you make it degenerate to a simple state.

We have a theory in this paper (General Relativity Theory Explains the Shnoll Effect and Makes Possible Forecasting Earthquakes and Weather Cataclysms) saying that in each point of space there is a singular point universe through which everything is connected. Basically it says that each point in space is a stargate to any other point in space and that there are so called paths of synchronizations sweeping the universe, connecting distant astronomical bodies periodically. And this is not the holographic universe! Holographic universe cannot couple to the human nervous system. The human nervous system doesn't have the time or power or bandwidth to scan the whole infinite phase space of the holographic universe or multiverse!

But once it can launch a tachyonic RADAR pulse and with the aid of a crafted cue to narrow down the solid angle, then it could really spot the target and describe it with less energy and bandwidth than if it would use holographic nonsense.

How do vacuum, mind, brain and target interact to perform remote viewing?

What we are speaking of in remote viewing or ESP is in fact a mapping done in between our neurons, perhaps visual neurons more than anything else, and a distant target or location. Actually this vacuum-mind field is suffering an oscillation which propagates from our brain towards a certain direction or angle. It is this vacuum-field which relates thousands, hundreds of thousands of neurons to a distant site. Then, since the neurons are prepared to be in an unstable state and the distant site has unstable vacuum all around it, we'll get soon this tachyonic condensation happening simultaneously at both ends. In our nervous system this will transform in biophotons. At the distant location there will be no biophotons, but physical photons.

There seem to exist ways of detecting so called biophotons and assess if there has been PSI intrusion at the sites. Especially military bases. But those are not biophotons. Those are vacuum decaying into photons or other processes being susceptible to tachyonic condensation. The energy is still conserved!

The vacuum, the vacuum mind can cause spontaneous entanglements at a distance. An entangled pair of particles has some extra energy when compared to non entangled particles. This energy must conserve and appear in the byproducts, that are photons and biophotons.

So our nervous system is actually replicated at a great distance and it interacts with the target through hundreds or thousands of photons and biophotons. But these numbers are not enough to offer a good bandwidth for extracting structural information! They barely illuminate the target. This is why we need remote viewing protocols and we cannot just go there and simply peek. Perhaps only in very special mental states when we reduce the entropy a lot.

I have found this paper, Emission of Mitochondrial Biophotons and their Effect on Electrical Activity of Membrane via Microtubules, where we can see that the brain is a quantum system with biophotons being emitted by mithocondria. Mithocondria emit constantly biophotons as a result of oxidative reductions of the metabolism. The biophotons are exciting and provoking quantum states in the microtubules. Microtubules are especially designed as proteins to sustain such states and biophotons even at higher temperatures.

As the study says: "The intensity of biophotons is in direct correlation with neural activity, cerebral energy metabolism, EEG activity, cerebral blood flow and oxidative processes".

Also: "Some unpublished observations suggest that the state of the biophoton field of a person may be connected to the state of the brain as measured by the EEG (e.g., degree of synchronization and coherence) [9]. Certain meditative states characterized by a high degree of coherence in the EEG may well be accompanied by a high degree of coherence in the biophoton field [9], although measurements correlating the coherence of the biophoton field and the EEG readings have not been made yet."

The final goal of meditation and remote viewing should be to create a stable energetic body with all the necessary organs in the energetic structure of the vacuum. Only then we can speak of the levels 9, 10, 11, etc in Remote Viewing. Whenever we do a RV session, we are getting there for short moments of time. Like something trying to ignite again and again. Maybe some day we'll make it. Maybe some have already done it.

Thank you for taking the time to read my ideas. of course these are only higly theoretical discussions and my effort to understand the phenomenon. By no means I am trying to say that this is how it works. But it is important to me to have a starting point.




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