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Inceptions and a few other minor implications

Writer's picture: Gabriel BobocGabriel Boboc

What I like to do, and do naturally, is to go along the chains of implications, using logic, step by step, to test the limits of whatever I am studying. Trying to see cracks and loopholes. I encourage you to do the same and find things on your own. Lately I pondered upon the subconscious, the tasking process, ways to avoid Analytical Overlays and keeping the signal line active.

In order to start, I am first going to define the subconscious as the sum of all the things in the Universe that we are not aware of at a certain time.

The above definition is based on the idea that the mind and consciousness are in fact an intelligent field extending to infinity. This means, since minds need to operate with a memory, that the memory is the whole Universe and hence the subconscious can only be related to the above stated definition.

Your minds will never fit inside those small bone boxes, but this is another subject or paraphrasing Douglas Adams: how can you live those small spaces??

Now, passing to businesses, I have come upon threads in which telepathy and remote viewing were discussed. Mainly the relationship in between them when it comes to the possible impact the tasker's mind can have upon the session as a whole and upon the viewer's results.

Some are even asking themselves if things such as remote influencing are really a thing.

Well, the bad news, from my point of view, is that there are a few implications that follow logically.

Remote Viewing, telepathy and hypnosis are all three intersecting in the subconscious domain. That is because all three are using this domain in order to operate, especially remote viewing and hypnosis.

The subconscious, at some of it's higher levels is the repository of all ideas, good or bad, without any distinction. At the lowest levels, the subconscious is a repository of every tiny process that happens all around us and to the edge of this world as we speak. The good/bad distinction is given only by the conscious mind.

Conscious mind is emulating whatever is in the subconscious, by covering it with a sheet of already known things that become equivalent as to the principles they express. Mainly it is about flows of energy and general, invariant principles. If data in the subconscious seems to arrange in a certain direction then the mind will try to emulate that as an idea or line of thought, again using what it already has available in the memory.

If this "magical" information transfer is such a no-no for the laws of physics, yet the brain has somehow circumvented that, then at least information tends to be as little and as ambiguous as possible and we almost cannot be sure whether it arrived from the target or from our memory. That is a so called "mistery".

Now, let us take the case of hypnosis. During hypnosis the conscious mind is bypassed and the good or bad ideas are inserted into that grey area of the subconscious. Whatever the suggestion was, we may not remember it after we regain consciousness. But we did act upon the programming or are going to continue to act upon it for a longer period of time or maybe our whole lives, theoretically.

The same thing happens when we receive a Target Number and start working on it. The cues written inside the target are unknown to us consciously yet we do act according to them while doing the session.

In hypnosis we must accept to enter a certain relaxed state so that our subconscious becomes predominant.

In remote viewing we must first cool down our conscious mind and let our subconscious predominate. No matter what other will say, remote viewing is producing a slightly altered state of mind, which lets us become susceptible to the unknown cues that are written in the task. Well, during bi-location the mind state is clearly altered since the viewer can no longer express his findings, being overwhelmed by sensations received from a distant place and/or time.

Only that during remote viewing that altered state of mind is periodically interrupted and controlled by the conscious mind while writing down the informations on paper.

But what attracted my attention was precisely this grey area, this intersection in between hypnosis and remote viewing. It represents a loophole in our psychic protection.

And the similarity in between hypnosis and remote viewing tasking is clearly pointing they are the same thing but implemented differently, and this case is even more strengthened by the fact that both practices are using the subconscious.

Telepathy is, again, perhaps the glue in between the two activities. So there is this dynamic that we can observe here in between three important subjects: remote viewing-hypnosis-telepathy.

The potential breach into our minds that I have detected is the following: suppose that the task sounds like this:

The bowl of petunias on my desk.

1) the viewer will position in the best place and time to describe and sketch my bowl of petunias ONLY and solve the written task COMPLETELY

2) the viewer will feel and love the the fresh taste of the "Gimbark" orange juice

Sounds cool?

How about this one:

The bowl of petunias on my desk.

1) the viewer will position in the best place and time to describe and sketch my bowl of petunias ONLY and solve the written task COMPLETELY

2) the viewer will understand that suicide is the most viable option given his/her problems

The feedback will not contain the second requirement of the task. However, the condition to solve the written task completely will ensure the second request is present in the subconscious.

This is one way some could use tasking to produce harmful inceptions or some other desired outcomes. It is not entirely sure whether these can really have an impact but for someone who is on the verge in their live, sometimes a single idea, a single small inception can be the last drop and they will do something foolish in one single impulsive act.

This is why, I strongly encourage people to know who they are working for and with, before accepting any tasks.

How about this task:

The bowl of petunias on my desk.

1) the viewer will position in the best place and time to describe and sketch my bowl of petunias ONLY and solve the written task COMPLETELY

2) the viewer will perform the X action everytime they get to perform a remote viewing task from anyone

As you can see, this task is in fact trying to extend upon every other task the viewer will ever do.

2) the viewer will always be naturally inclined to listen to my suggestions

The last one is clearly establishing a backdoor into someone's mind.

These cases are only scratching the surface, in my opinion. Remote viewing is clearly a method of searching into a gigantic database that is our reality, be it mental reality or objective reality or any combination. Attributing target numbers to tasks is clearly creating a two dimensional table with correspondences. What we are dealing here with is a new application of Information Technology, this time in the mental domain.

We are operating with tables and arrays that connect mental objects to "real" objects, and we perform searches.

Since the table is almost infinite, there are chances for the search algorithm to take us to a wrong cell inside the table or in the best case, somewhere around the correct one.

The great challenge is to map the tree of all words associations to the tree of all events , beings and objects and their interactions in the Universe. That, or else we do not have remote viewing, since remote viewing is describing things, coating them with words, in order to handle them.

The next implication is that actually we could use any object, situation or being around someone to plant an inception. We already know that:

1) remote viewing can be done successfully to some degree in the absence of any feedback

2) there are times when remote viewers do not need a target number in order to do the session

I conjecture that we can attach a task to any object that someone spends a lot of time in the presence of and/or pays attention to. And not only an object but also a being or event and we'll call it simply reference from now on.

If the targeted person is also happening to be in a certain meditative state when near the reference, then the reference will act as a continuous reminder for the subconscious to follow the cues that have been written and intended and linked to the reference.

As an example if we study the target's habits and know that they spend tens of minutes watching themselves in a mirror, then that mirror will be the best reference to use and associate a cue to it. If they enjoy a movie or a book or being with someone for hours, then that would be technically be even better.

Every minute the subconscious will try to link to the cue that had been associated mentally in a table by the unknown tasker.

Of course, this method may take longer to give results but I am certain there is a possibility in that direction. Perhaps the tasker will also have to work periodically to reinforce the cueing.

I can give as an example, the so called cursed objects. Cursed jewels, cursed paintings, cursed weapons, houses, and so on and so forth. Perhaps some of the most interesting are the phurbas, tibetan symbolic daggers used by monks and black hat wizards for protection or in spiritual practices.

"As a tool of exorcism, the kīla(phurba) may be employed to hold demons or thoughtforms in place (once they have been expelled from their human hosts, for example) in order that their mindstream may be re-directed and their inherent obscurations transmuted. More esoterically, the kīla may serve to bind and pin down negative energies or obscurations from the mindstream of an entity, person or thoughtform, including the thoughtform generated by a group, project and so on, to administer purification."(Wikipedia)

Perhaps one of ten commandments was put in place for similar reasons: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image".

Numbers, symbols, objects, anything we can fixate our minds upon, can represent gates towards inceptions, or other realities in some special cases. The chain of informations is always conserved and it cannot be broken. Anything can lead to anything when using the proper chains of information. There is not one single moment when this chain is ambiguous. Are we naturally living inside a blockchain? How natural is that? Nevermind. Karma-coin, anyone? Oh, it turns out there really IS a Karma Coin. Just googled it from sheer curiosity.

The only thing we can do against everything I said above is to:

1) guard the doors of our perceptions,

2) work only with trusted taskers

3) use autosugestion methods and self-cueing to taunt any unwanted interferences in our mental processes

4) meditate and have a simple and clear mind

5) never act on the first impulse or idea

6) always try to stay away from fixations or at least aknowledge them and see beyond them

These are only a few implications and perhaps I will further develop them and see where it all leads. Meanwhile I am not saying I am hundred percent right but my instinct tells me there are reasons to be aware of these possibilities.

Remote viewing, telepathy, hypnosis, all three are in a circular, diagrammatic relationship that I will explore in the next article called "Zen and the signal line".




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