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Mind: when the infinite vacuum became self-aware

Writer's picture: Gabriel BobocGabriel Boboc

Updated: Mar 5, 2020

I am writing this article mostly because I have been pondering for many years on how and why does the human psyche have the capability of affecting matter. And another reason for my constant meditation on this subject is my need to find out if our existence is necessarily determined and bound by the adherence to a biological support.

I like to do away with all the details and extract the main characteristics or at least those that matter. Since I am a remote viewer, I am quite well accustomed to some of the features that human mind can present and I feel compelled to try and find a good explanation and an elegant one. However, elegance seems to mean different things to different people.

By observing what happens during Remote Viewing sessions and in telepathy cases, distant influence on Random Number Generators, I have come to a few conclusions:

  1. nonlocality: memories are appearing in a brain, about events and objects with which it had no previous contact

  2. atemporal: memories about future and past events are appearing without previous interaction or knowledge about them

  3. scale invariant: during remote viewing we can explore any structure and phenomenon from the quantum scale to the macroscopic scale (we can observe quarks inside protons and distant galaxies with the same ease)

  4. telepathy: memories are put into a distant nervous system without any classical mode of interaction

  5. remote influencing: I regard telepathy as a branch of remote influencing on micro scale, however according to remote viewers, remote influencing seems to be able to modify whole macroscopic situations (such as the possibility of getting a job or not) and is not bound by time. Retroactivity.

Perhaps there are other characteristics but the above mentioned are enough to make me interpret mind, consciousness, as a physical field extending in all space.

A field is a region in space having a certain property in each point. A heat map is for example showing us a scalar field having a precise temperature at each point, denoted by a certain shade or colour.

I know it is complicated to see mind as a field extending in vacuum to infinity and back. There are many fields in particle physics. Electron field, proton field, etc. And the actual particle comes into existence as a spike in that field, a dent. Unfortunately, having fields for things larger than elementary particles, while it is not completely impossible, the mathematics would not permit them to exist for long enough to have a meaningful impact on what we observe. So we cannot have a field generated by our whole neuronal structure radiating to infinity.

But there can be an yet unknown field, a very versatile and intelligent field residing in the quantum fluctuations of the vacuum. This mind field has all the time and energy necessary to gather information and influence other fields.

Given the high intricacy and continuous dinamicity of the quantum vacuum there is a high probability for a self sustained process to appear which then could multiply ad infinitum and become omnipresent. This process should be made out of cyclic virtual interactions in vacuum, not being bound by time. This process generates a mind field and that is an intelligent field that can manage resources with which it comes into contact, no matter how small they may be.

How strong can a field influence matter? The influence is governed by a number called coupling constant. For gravity in between two objects we have the gravitational constant G which limits the interaction. For electromagnetism, we have the famous 1/137 which paraphrasing Leonard Susskind in one of his Stanford lectures means: only 1 out of 137 virtual photons actually hits the target and does the job, thus transferring the electric force. !n the case of strong nuclear forces we have the constant being 1, completely defeating electric repulsion in between protons and keeping the atoms in one piece.

Well, the mind field seems to have a variable constant and, depending on the level of determination or will, it can interact or couple to any kind of field and to any scale. And I am saying this as a rational conclusion derived from the observed abilities of the human mind.

Since gathering information from quantum levels requires enormous energies that cannot fit inside human brain anatomy and yet we seem to be able to obtain such information through remote viewing alone, I am inclined to think that the mind field is able to project information from one scale to another or translating it. There is energy needed for making information "jump" from the quantum scale to the macroscopic scale on which our neurons work. And vacuum has enough energy to be used for probing at any scale. Not to mention an intelligent vacuum!

If through remote viewing I draw the sketch of a small molecule or if in some cases even a short glimpse of it appears in my mind's eye, this means the mind field had enough penetration power and "finesse" to probe the molecule and then translate the information and project it on my retina, or occipital lobe involved in seeing. The same thing happens when remote viewing a distant galaxy: an enormous macroscopic object is projected onto my nervous system.

So my nervous system is interacting with matter through the mind field via a coupling constant. There must be a particle too associated to this phenomenon. A special kind of particle. Biophotons are ONLY byproducts of such interaction and I do not deny their existence as it was discovered in the nervous tissue.

What are we then? We are in fact these beings residing in the quantum vacuum, having access to unlimited energy and yet able to direct it in the most subtle way. And as a mind field we have found that biological nervous tissue can help us have a localized maximum value around a body and enjoy what we call life.

I know that causality may be heavily disregarded here but since I believe the Copenhagen Interpretation holds true and I see that the Holographic Principle adepts still haven't come up with a clear mechanism for translating the holographic information into neuronal synapses, I must go on and propose a mechanism too.

First of all I propose that the interaction of the mind field with the brain is done in a subtle way requiring only a minimal input as energy. Only gentle "pushes" that make already metastable systems to lose equilibrium and generate a classical chemical avalanche. The brain has been discovered to be a very complex system and operating nonlinearly. Image analysis starts with 11 dimensional neuronal connections that collapse to give the result of seeing a flower for example. In such a complex system, very small fluctuations can gather and create an observable imbalance. Think about the butterfly effect. Since there are so many electrical synapses in the brain that use ion clouds instead of chemical neurotransmitters, we have a starting point from where the mind field could find an interaction critical point.

Whether or not the brain has an intrinsic quantum nature doesn't really matter from now on. Although there are studies starting to suggest that the brain has a quantum behaviour. But even if that isn't the case, the mind field can give the brain the required quantum nature for as long as it is needed to perform certain operations.

Since the mind field is in fact intelligent quantum fluctuating vacuum and nonlocal, it can create connections or entanglements at a distance in between objects or events. In fact there are experiments showing that atoms that have never been in contact can be entangled with each other if both of them interact with the vacuum. The vacuum is naturally entangled. It is an ever boiling soup of entanglements and entanglement is precisely what keeps space from ripping apart!

This is why we can send information faster than light in between brains for example. However, this faster than light transmission doesn't take into account the time needed to decode the transmission! So there you go, I leave an open window for our skeptics too, there.

I have a workaround for faster than light transmission.

Suppose we have two metastable systems with some 1000 km distance in between them. If we were to just assume that simple vacuum could entangle them, we would be wrong. Because entanglement given by simple vacuum is decreasing with distance becoming more and more improbable. Plus, even if there was entanglement, we could not transfer information faster than light simply because we cannot choose the states that we want to transmit. Everything is governed by pure chance. So no clear signal could be transmitted like that.

But if we put now in the equation the mind field, which acts nonlocally and is in fact structured intelligent vacuum, then we can:

  1. entangle two distant systems with no prior contact

  2. control both the sender and the receiver and make sure that we are measuring the correct states as to transmit information

  3. the 1 and 2 steps are made by the subconscious mind which is in fact the vacuum and hence we are not in fact violating anything, we are simply end users of this phenomenon. Actually trying to force this phenomenon and bring it to conscious examination is destroying it!

All we need are two metastable systems like two brains. In a metastable situation a system is always in a maximum of energy and in nonequilibrium. Any slight push or shift can make it drop it's energy and convert it into some other kind of energy. Like a ball on a mexican hat top.

The same mechanism is working in the case of the Higgs mechanism when certain particles acquire mass and it is also called tachyonic condensation. My idea is that the mind field could be a Higgs like field but doted with intelligence, and everywhere it meets a metastable critical point, it can initiate a small fluctuation to make it change it's energy state.

So it seems we cannot send actual information from brain to brain but through our mind field we can be in both brains simultaneously and select the proper memories to form our message then trigger them! This is why many times it is difficult to influence someone without inheriting some of their problems and perhaps many times what we send towards them is nonlocal and it is actually what they think about themselves. Because of the nonlocal and atemporal character of the mind field, we cannot see a clear difference in between sender and receiver or which thought belongs to whom.

Now I am going to show you that two metastable systems can be entangled and exchange some information at a distance. I came across an interesting paper about experiments during which metastable isotopes have been entangled and correlations in between their radioactive decays have been observed.

But the most interesting part of the article is the second. I am quite boggled by the fact that this work has slipped under the radar somewhat. I found it because of my strange way of doing research. I am going backwards actually. I am not searching for papers blindly. First I conjectured: " there must be a paper regarding entanglement in between metastable systems, because I think we could entangle decaying atoms and observe correlations in between their decays".

Then I went on Google and I found it and it treats precisely about that. Good.

The second part of the paper is treating about entangling Lithium Fluoride surfaces by making them capture entangled electrons. They both capture entangled electrons in their atomic energy bands and can keep them for long enough time to be transported away. This time one sample remained in France and another one has been transported in the United States.

One sample, the Master sample was heated to about 250 degrees Celsius while the other one, over 8000 km away, was being monitored. Both samples were monitored with photon counters. Each time an electron from the Master was forced by heating to assume spin up or down, another electron from the Slave was forced to assume the opposite and if the spin was not permitted by the orbital, the electron would be kicked off and emitting a photon.

Graphics, when superimposed, from the Master and from the Slave, are showing strong synchronization and similarity. This proves that by heating the Master sample they could initiate energetic transitions in the electrons in the Slave sample 8000 km away.

Similarly, two brains can perform the same thing if quantum processes no matter how short lived are present. And combined with my view upon the mind field, they do not need to make previous exchange of information to become entagled.

Why have I used the phrase "no matter how short lived"?

When doing remote viewing we start by drawing a rapid squiggle immediately after writing down the random target number. This has to be done in about one second or faster.

As the session continues we keep probing with our pen, mind, fingers, the ideograms or certain fields in a table for no longer than 3 seconds. If a few seconds pass without us to get significant stimuli, the brain, the chemical analytic mind, will start to produce data coming from logic, associations, surrounding stimuli, etc. That sort of data is not what we want. What we want is to open a three second portal in between our brain and the target and siphon out a few bits of information until it closes.

Those three seconds or the second we draw the ideogram, may be the moments when the mind field is coupled to our synapses. To our electrical synapses, not the chemical ones. That is the "quantum window" to say so, through which we can do our "magic".

So our mind is not always quantum and not always classical. We are constantly oscillating in between local and nonlocal, classical and quantum and our brains are always on the edge in between these two domains.

So why do the electrical synapses matter so much?

  1. Because they are electrons or ion clouds which makes them more susceptible to vacuum fluctuations of the electric field.

  2. They seem to be the ones responsible for making whole areas of the brain act synchronous, which is a metastable event, and those moments could be our windows of opportunity

  3. When drawing the ideogram we must act like a sudden shudder coming from our whole body, from the Dantien centre in our guts. Well, this is something akin to a reflex movement and guess what, reflex movements are governed by the electrical synapses because they are faster than chemical synapses. That is the moment the mind field is coupled to our neurons and transmits the information.

I want to point out that I do not believe in spirit as being something immaterial. To me the mind field should have a mathematical representation and it has a physical existence. I am convinced it has to do with the mind field being a complex valued field and having also a carrier particle.

I think the mind field and it's properties resulting in psi abilities is more fundamental than current reality and it must not be forced to comply to the present quantum and relativistic theories. It would be highly illogical. The present science must adapt as to incorporate the mind field and everything coming from it's existence in such a way that both sides are reconciled and work well together. Another issue is that it is the mind field itself that started in humans the desire to research quantum mechanics. So it cannot be caught into the same system it studies, without serious amendments.

There is another interesting article that I studied some 5 years ago and I remembered just now. It is about a certain violation that happens inside human brains and that holds for about 2 seconds or less. And what is violated is a law called the Leggett-Garg inequality. I am not going to show formulas in here but this inequality holds true for all macroscopic systems that behave classically. If it is violated through measurements, it means something non-classical happened there. As in quantum effects.

This paper that i am going to mention here is called "Violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality in cognitive processes" (arXiv:1204.4559v1 [q-bio.NC] 20 Apr 2012). What they discovered was that during the task of recognising mutually incompatible words with negligible semantic content, this inequality is violated in a time window of 1 to 2 seconds after which the brain comes back to the classical behaviour.

I am offering here two samples from the study:

"There are two different human cognitive tasks occurring on different times, namely,

i) apprehension, whereby an incoming sensorial stimulus (bottom up) combined with a memorized (top down) interpretation yields a coherent perception, that manifests itself in a motor reaction or in a linguistic utterance; an apprehension requires a time from a few hundred millisec up to around one sec;

ii) judgment, whereby a piece of a linguistic text (literary, musical, or figurative) is compared with a previous one in order to infer a comparison; a judgment requires a time around 3 sec."

"At variance with the apprehension, the judgment is strongly contextual; this suggests that judgments should violate the LGI."

All these being said, I hope my theory about a mind field is appealing and as you may see I have devised also a mechanism on how this should happen. I want to go even deeper into this mechanism and see it in action, perhaps create some conceptual diagrams of the whole process. I think that if I hold my belief that the quantum wave collapse is a good description of our world, then my approach is suitable.

Thank you all for reading and see you in the next article about..."The Spark".

Sincerely yours,

Gabriel Boboc.


1 Comment

Jun 02, 2020

Do you happen to have a link to this YT video? "Leonard Susskind in one of his Stanford lectures means: only 1 out of 137 virtual photons actually hits the target and does the job..."



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