Better than binaural beats when it comes to Extrasensory Perception?
Everytime, before starting a Remote Viewing session, we must enter something called the "cool down" process. This process aims at reducing the "noisy" activity of the left brain that tries to categorize, interpret and censor every stimulus. If we perform daily activities or intellectual activities that are parting from an already known data set, the left brain is the best tool.
As soon as we try to access data to which we have no classical, standard way of approach, the right brain and other layers of our nervous system must become trusted. Imagine a very sensitive antenna dish that has to catch signals so faint that you could not discern them from other noises. Even if there are no external sources of electromagnetic noise or vibrations, there still remains the internal noise caused by the heat stored inside the antenna's wires.
To be able to get only the signal, the antenna sensors and conductors must be cooled to almost 0K, close to absolute zero. Well, the cool down period in RV sessions is doing just that. We get rid of the logical mind that always tries to interpret and therefore lie to us, and we get rid of other issues as hunger, sleepiness, sexual urges, complexes, personal issues, life issues and so on and so forth.
Then, everything coming through, should come mostly from the target itself in a continuous flow. This is where Zen meditation and RV are very much the same thing.
Physical exercises are great before RV sessions, meditation, Tai-Chi, everything that gets the above mentioned problems solved for a while.
Some use relaxation music, others rock music. It doesn't matter as long is it seems to be the good recipe for them. No need to change that. However, others use binaural beats that are said to lower the frequency of our brain to an almost dream-like state or alpha state, perhaps even lower.
I tried binaural beats for an hour and they didn't do the trick. Turns out my brain tends to get bored quickly and it told me: "Gabe, this is just repeating noise and I am getting depressed here. It levels my garden like a buldozer. Turn it off". So I did. I was experiencing a different state, that is true, however not quite what my left brain needed in order to get relaxed. This was clearly not my recipe.
But I knew I needed something else to help me trick the rational brain that is highly active in my case. Actually I am amazed at two things: 1) that I can do RV and 2) the way I do it, which escapes me for now.
Then I came across noise ambiental music. While binaural beats are in fact noise, they are all too ordered and monotone for my left brain to even take them into consideration although I can force it to. With no good reactions afterwards. So I listened to the first noise music track the same day I happened to encounter two people that were to become, in short time, good friends. Miron Ghiu (Mir.On, "Nava Spatiala" together with Claudiu Chihaescu) and Andrei Barbu(Dj Atouck, and his netlabel "Soundsphere").
I listened for 15 minutes to the "Rage Hop" track from the label "Nava Spatiala"(The Space Ship) by romanian DJ, philosopher and art columnist, Miron Ghiu. I felt inspired to write down immediately what I felt and what I thought noise music was according to my own point of view.
While I must admit that for some ears, noise music is not quite music and that the initial reaction can be of utter shock, if you reduce the volume and give it a few minutes, some of you will understand my next paragraphs. I can assure you there are more ambiental, smoother noise tracks than the one I linked here, but that is not the point at this moment.
According to Wikipedia: "Noise music is a category of music that is characterised by the expressive use of noise within a musical context. This type of music tends to challenge the distinction that is made in conventional musical practices between musical and non-musical sound."
Actually, what listening to a few minutes of randomly generated noises-and yet somewhat musical as a context-does to your brain is to teach the left brain to stop organizing in patterns the incoming data and after a while your mind just stops trying to even care what it is that it hears or what the source of that particular noise might be.
After a while, you start letting noises come and go without attaching to them, you let them create whatever they wish in your mind, you are in a continuous flow. And that is the same thing we do during Zen meditation and during remote viewing sessions. There is no active imagination at that stage. But images and colours that somehow are coming and going away, we do not know where from they come or what is their purpose and we could not care less.
This is why I am proposing that this is a better exercise than simple binaural beats that try to beat our brain harmonics into submission. While noise music lets the brain to adapt naturally. And this is something I discovered all by myself through personal experience.
First contact with noise music
Following, is the account of my first experience with noise music.
About 15 minutes had passed until I took off my headphones, still under the impression of that track. I could only describe the experience as a voyage into a phonic universe. There was no melody to carry me away into some predetermined trip, no rythm that my brain could have used as a tool to approximate time.
This time I went doing safari in a new continent, not even knowing if safari was even the kind of activity one would be likely to perform there. Not knowing if I'd be taking a gun with me or a badminton racket.
Then I realized that I was in a space ship, in fact.
My brain had finally managed to compare the auditive experience to something that made sense in a way. Lumps of space and crumbs of time were flying past me, everything was shaky and noisy, the filters used by Miron were doing their job to push the listener through an atemporal and completely free of cathegories space.
Shaky, trembling, giving the sensation of being close to structural failure, "The Space Ship" was fighting against the gravity of prejudices and assumptions, lifting us higher and higher there where all problems are dismembered into many unrecognizable pieces.
The only certain parameter on the board panels was the name of the current track: "Rage Hop" by Nava Spatiala. The rest were constantly fluctuating frequencies, random self emerging beats, nothing left to understand or compare. I didn't even matter.
Spoken words were coming into my mind while listening, ideas, all veered towards atemporal, quantum, travel, Zen meditation, levels of reality, navigation.
Since the track was 15 minutes long, approximatively, and there was no other beat, my brain stopped searching for an indicator of time passage. It was clearly a form of travelling through some...medium. A different space. A quantum space where there is no clear causality in between events, there is no clear border to define things, hence the brain stops, after a few minutes, to attribute meanings consciously.
At times I could hear voices or melodies that were not there, which gave me goosebumps. The auditive universe of "Rage Hope" seemed to be haunted by entities searching for a voice, but why would ghosts sing?
After another while synaesthetics kicked in. Brain started seeing this new universe it travelled through. A foam of myriads of quantum space connections, circles and diagrams.Then I realized that track was a gateway for the mind to get free and explore. To navigate. Everything humans do is navigation. From here to there, from today to tomorrow, from one idea to another idea. Always some sort of navigation from A to B in some sort of space. From one value of a parameter to another. Turn a knob slowly, on a sound filter and you are navigating towards a new type of sound, another texture, another inner feeling, another experience, adventure.
Since I am practicing Remote Viewing, the method of using structured protocols to obtain information through extrasensorial means, I often find myself having to teach my mind to shut up and stop cathegorizing and analyzing data coming from the subconscious.
Listening to noise music for some 15 minutes can surely give you a hint on how to treat small packages of information coming through your subliminal barrier. You are in fact becoming aware of a constant Present Time, which is the gate to all the information one needs, and even to more interesting features.
Second contact with noise music
One night before writing this article I happened to receive a retasking from one client on a Remote Viewing target and at the same time Miron Ghiu was just starting to stream online a compilation of some of his works, some of which were a first audition to anyone.
I chose to try and use the streaming as a mean to cool down my mind. I put the smartphone on the table, playing the stream, and I stood in the office chair, eyes closed. As usual, I started by letting sounds come and go and creating their shapes and images without me to even try to imagine anything or cling to the imagery. After 5 minutes I was well inside the phenomenon and I had the first Advanced Visual for my retasking! It was a light source coming down from the ceiling, of a certain shape and I knew it had to be related to the task at hand, so I opened up my eyes, took the A4 paper and started drawing, then put it all away and continued to remain in the state. About three Advanced Visuals presented to my internal vision, all of them cautiously sketched and numbered on the session papers.
Then I felt like no more AV were left to appear so I just continued with the new sort of noise-Zen-RV meditation that I invented without any intent. I realized that RV is however a slightly altered mental state and very much akin to psychedelic experiences, perhaps DMT. But it is all natural and under our control.
Why DMT? Two reasons: crazy visuals and the fact that at times we become sleepy during both meditation and RV sessions. That means DMT is released into our brain, trying to take us into dream space.
But I had no need for sleep yet, and visuals kept coming rapidly. I started seeing square coloured, patterned surfaces weaving before my eyes, all sorts of shapes and at one moment I saw a this human shape in lotus position. It was a faint apparition and translucid but it had a sort of multilayered V shaped light aura. Then the human form started to multiply on the vertical direction like many echoes or copies of the same image. Then I realized that the human shape was in fact my nervous system's energy reorganizing and trying to go "upwards". I acknowledged that and let it happen, and I saw that human shape going through my spine and exiting through the top of my head.
Once it exited through the top of my head, my mind went together with it and I could see myself from top view sitting in the chair. I felt like my problems were slowly melted as if the noise music was a powerful acid. Then I remember I finally dozed off for a few seconds but still keeping my erect position in my chair. I felt refreshed after the experience.
A method for noise-meditation?
Choose a suitable track, a track that is not too disturbing to your ears. Sit in a chair in a comfortable position, close your eyes and start hearing without interpreting. Do not try to imagine what sort of object is producing that sound, or through what kind of filters has it been passed. Just keep your awareness allert and vertical.
After a few minutes you will start seeing, feeling things but do not try to cling to them and let the imagination flourish them. Let them come and go.
Finally after another few minutes you can focus, your intent only, on the Remote Viewing task. Let the noise music become a sort of a carrier or portal to your inner vision and you will start to perceive things.
As soon as you perceive them take a short break and write them down and sketch them if possible.
Thank you for reading this article, I hope my experiences and thoughts will be of any help to you
Related links
About the artist Miron Ghiu : (an interesting article by Miron Ghiu)
Track links:
If you want to listen to many other interesting and various ambient tracks here are the albums from the Soundsphere netlabel: