We all have periods when our remote viewing skills are not quite "on target" yet the descriptors are filling the pages. We often wonder why can't we keep that perfect state in any moment we wish?
For that, I went again into the depths of my own understanding and decided to write this new article.
Remote viewing is proof that our minds are non local and they manifest as what we call fields. A field is a region in time and space that has a certain property for each point. Usually this field represents in physics a single physical quantity such as temperature or energy, etc. But in this case we are dealing with a cyclic process that is mirrored at infinity to some degree in every point of the space-time. It is an intelligent physical quantity to say so.
Do we have faster than light communication? Yes and no. Both answers are right, depending in what number of dimensions we are investigating this phenomenon.
It is clear as day that we can remote view things that are so distant that light from them hasn't yet arrived to us. Even if we get the feedback later, after a hundred years, we still had faster than light communication from our point of view. From a certain classical point of view. And that point of view is giving a hard time to those who follow classical physics, even to those who study quantum physics.
Luckily for some of the concerned people, the holographic universe theory emerged and this gave them a solution that would quench once and for all the embarrassing need for faster than light communication.
Or did it?
What the poorly understood theory of the holographic principle says is that each point of the Universe contains information about the entire universe and that our brains in fact interact locally with that information.
But that is a mistake simply because the holographic principle never stated that. It stated something more esoteric which only hardcore physicists can understand, that there is a surface somewhere outside of our 3D universe that encodes bidimensionally all the information like a 2D working copy of our whole world. To put it simply.
The holographic universe theory states, as wrongly popularized and understood as it is, that this is the solution that gets rid of the embarrassing communication through entanglement which is forbidden by the quantum mechanics.
But there is a problem here too: in the physics papers describing the holographic principle, it is clearly stated that this toy model of our universe is using space as a network of entangled points of space-time and this is how everything is encoded and held together in our world.
Basically, information is retrieved from such clusters/networks of entanglements that join incomensurable lengths of space right till we get to the 2D holographic shell facsimile of our 3D world. It is written in the paper, it is shown in the video lectures.
Ergo...entanglement is the key not matter how we look at it.
But do we really have communication? If we prove there is no communication at all, then we can make everyone happy.
In many physics lectures involving quantum physics we meet the already legendary Bob and Alice that are used to construct the arguments. It is shown that Bob cannot send information to Alice through entanglement simply because anyway it would get so scrambled by quantum chaos that there is no information to retrieve at all.
Taking telepathy as an example, we can still prove there is communication by non classical means. Doing remote viewing we prove the same thing.
How does it happen? If there is this randomness scrambling barrier in between two beings or in between us and the remote viewed site?
How can we unscramble the message, is the good question.
Well, in internet secured encryptions, we get two keys that must match or else the whole message is a mess that will take the age of the universe to get decoded the hard way.
In order for Bob to decode the message from Alice, he must know in advance the key, but this is defeating the purpose of unconventional communication.
So we must introduce the non-local field of our minds. The solution is that Bob and Alice are the same person when communicating. There is a level of the mind field where Bob and Alice become equivalent so when doing remote viewing or telepathic communication, even if quantum entanglement is used, the keys are both known by each of the two subjects.
The information from Bob to Alice and from Alice to Bob is in both places until it is observed and it doesn't travel from one to another! Once Alice gets the message from Bob, the message will still remain in both places as sent in Bob's brain and received in Alice's brain. But there was no information exchange. The only thing that changed or that became manifest was the status of sent/received of the information in their brains.
The message was in both states received and sent in each of Alice's and Bob's brains. The only thing that "changed" was that at some moment Alice and Bob must ponder if that was their idea or if it came from somewhere else.
And the brain can detect if such an idea was his upon checking it's internal facts. So there is basically no real exchange of information in the classical sense through entanglement.
But all these are possible only because the mind has this property of working at both ends of a system and it can declare any collection of things as being a system. If it wasn't for the non-local intelligent mind field, no amount of quantum strangeness would have permitted us to perform our skills. Basically it can declare anything it wishes and it will have an effect.
The above paragraphs will also explain why we can become contaminated from viewing persons and interacting with them. The non-local mind field will create a short lived equivalence and declare the viewer-subject entities as a single system, precisely for allowing "information flow" which is not really a flow but some kind of sharing mostly.
This also shows us that we are not only subtracting information from someone but we also give them information. Their brains can also detect a surge if they are trained to listen to their internal processes and discern in between their own thoughts and feelings and those coming from somewhere else.
So in theory we should be able with the correct training to sense if we are remote viewed. If we train this skill into a reflex then we could not only sense if we are remote viewed but also increase our general awareness and intercommunication as a race. The correct theory and the correct training are what is missing. Hopefully I am going to fill that space a little with my ideas.
Going back to why do we have bad days in remote viewing, I can say that we need to create synchronicities at will.
By understanding that our mind is this non-local intelligent field in space-time, and cooling down our internal struggles (only by resolving them) we can make things match. Things like our perceptions and the real characteristics of the site. This is a synchronicity no matter how we look at it.
I can give you a nice example: you stroll down the street and you just ate some biscuits. You crumple the paper wrapper in your fist and look for a bin to dispose of it. You notice one bin but you don't want to stop your walking rhythm so you almost see the future trajectory of the crumpled wrapper and throw it. It lands precisely in the bin.
Or you throw darts and they tend to land dead center that day. Then maybe that is your chance to go and perform a remote viewing session.
You will just have to keep unperturbed and expand that "ace quality" that you felt and enjoy it, keeping an unperturbed rhythm and never looking back. Let the descriptors flow and then the sketches.
Well, that is your mind field being expanded that day and working at both ends effortlessly. There is nothing bothering you much on the inside nor on the outside. So keeping that special state is like having a small piece of butter that you have to cautiously spread on the whole slice of bread.
I have been practicing kendo, the way of the sword for 23 years now. I am also teaching it. It never ceases to amaze me. It has similarities to remote viewing and it is declared by th Japanese Kendo Federation as Zen meditation in motion.
In kendo, you have fractions of a second to do something. To attack or defend yourself. The places where you can hit are quite small and you are not allowed to hit any other regions but those. With determination and kiai (the martial yelling that helps us concentrate, release tension, paralize the opponent or enforce our will on the situation), you must act precisely at the optimum moment.
You never know what your opponent will do, nor should you care. Just as in remote viewing you must make an ideogram with the sword and the winner is decided. Or it is a draw and you both start over.
As in remote viewing, we should never get preoccupied with our techniques not working properly some days or in some moments. You should equally not care if your techniques did work, either.
You just have to keep practicing and keep your mind focused, clear and with no preconceived thoughts. Only the clear intent of hitting your opponent once an opening has been made.
I said that we make an ideogram with our bamboo sword. Yes it looks like an ideogram: the movements, just as in fencing, are very subtle, energetic and efficient. If you look at the tip of the shinai (bamboo soword), in the 3D space it creates an ideogram that leads to victory in less then a second.
There is no time to think. Just act and then set your ego aside and do it again, and again, and again until it doesn't matter to you if you won or not.
But then your mind expands and you start winning. The only time you lose is when you start thinking and using your prefabricated beliefs.
The feedback is merciless in our case, as kendoka, and to the point! A bamboo sword giving you a headache or a wrist ache or maybe they hit just a little upper on the torso armour and by mistake you feel it on your ribs. Or taking a serious blow in your throat with the tip of the sword. That is enough to tell you that you were wrong.
From my trainings I observed that only when we take into consideration everything around us including the opponent as being part of the whole, we can have precision. So there is the mind that is both me and the opponent, both the arrow and the target and they all get synchronized.
As for intention, intention is creating the entanglement bridge through which we can manipulate probabilities and establish connection.
For example in remote viewing we are getting results well above the usual natural 50/50 chance. Intent is at work.
Another example: I am a sniper and need to take out an enemy. I could shoot the bullet straight up and there is a small chance that it will hit him. But that is simply using the default natural probabilities. The problem is that I want him down so I'll adjust my rifle in such a way that I maximize the probability that my bullet will intersect my target. That is already intent at work. That man is trapped in my probabilistic construct and has a bigger chance of dying. His chances of evading my bullet have just narrowed a lot and he doesn't even know.
But some can sense it!
I gave these examples in order to establish an equivalence principle. The same kind of effect does our intent have when performing psychic skills. The probabilities are getting shifted towards an "unnatural" outcome. It is clearly a signature of a mind field. Where we have a mind field operating, we'll always get shifts from natural randomness.
As a conclusion I can say that we can take the remote viewing state, that perfect state when we get good sessions, and think of it and with our intent and will and imagination expand it in our daily activity. Even in sports, martial arts, cooking, everything you can think of. The intent must be unperturbed and we can create synchronicities that will help us.
Riding on a wave of synchronicities, we become postmodern magicians. Snap your fingers and your web page loads quicker. Just an example. Magic? Who knows? There is this equivalence principle that is a bilateral thing.
Precisely as the inertial mass and the gravitational mass equivalence principle.
If you can get into that mental state then you can create these events. Then where is the boundary in between wish and reality? What I am talking about is only one level further.
And you all know what is on the next level.