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Remote Viewing-the shadow of a bigger Object?

Writer's picture: Gabriel BobocGabriel Boboc

This article contains my own ideas and views in my continuous fight for understanding the world we live in. I am a certified advanced remote viewer using CRV and I wish in advance to apologize if some of my ideas may go against older established knowledge, I assure you my intent is only to express myself and invite to dialogue.

One of the most consuming problems that can preoccupy a sentient being is "what is reality?". That means, of course, that first the sentient being must evolve enough to understand it lives into something it must find a name for. A human must first separate himself from all the things and facts that surround him and name them "reality" or the sum of all things and laws that are real or stable, coherent, consistent. Perhaps if we manage to keep a thought stable and coherent, it becomes by definition reality. But that is not yet to be discussed.

That we were created precisely to name things is mentioned in the Good Book too: "So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals." Genesis 2:20. And we keep at it still, for example "streptococcus". But we started naming not only animals. We are naming everything from quantum scale to macro scale like quarks or galactic clusters.

Even more, something that cannot be named, cannot become part of our reality, it cannot be described, then it lacks any form of connection to anything we know. The chain of information is broken there.

All the Universe seems to preserve the chain of information, the history. Like some graph nodes, like a block chain, every piece of information is based on another piece of information and generates a new block of information. The quantum laws ensure that happens even around black holes.

By using combinations of words we can deduce the existence of future things. The past, present and future are encoded all at once in the lexicon, in the grammar rules and logic. By combining words, Jules Verne predicted the space voyage to some degree of accuracy.

Time lines are only thunderbolts passing through the lexicon, uniting words, generating worlds.

I started writing this article after seeing the revival of a post of mine that I wrote in March, the last year. I was describing there how my unclear intention while creating a remote viewing target for a friend, translated into an unclear and discontinuous session for the remote viewer, later. At the beginning I wanted her to do target A but after a while I decided I was more interested in target B, so I gave her that target. Somewhere in the middle of the session she told me she thought that was not precisely what I wanted to know and started to describe target B that was my final intention. She had started with target A even if I gave her target B and then corrected herself midway.

The second account is about a friend whom I introduced to RV and gave him as a target the NORAD installation in Mount Cheyenne. He described it very well and even part of the logo pertaining to the aforementioned organization. We were both in his car and I was acting as a controller. After the session ended I tried to get down from the car to stretch my legs but I felt very dizzy and consumed, drained, my head spinning and feeling like I having read physics books all night long.

Another experiment of mine involved the image of the Mount Fuji with a nice cloud hat on top. The viewer, a talented person with long artist fingers, was still hesitating looking at the piece of paper. Then I decided to imagine that I projected the image of Mount Fuji in his his head in a short burst of energy. A flash. To my surprize he said: "oh...wait...I just had a sudden flash in my mind with something like a triangle and with a long ovoidal shape on top. It looks like Mount Fuji, he said after drawing the sketch".. Well, not only did he identify the target but he gave me an extra piece of information. He started to draw a series of circles around the base of the mountain. I asked what were those. He replied they seem to be lakes. Later I found on Google that yes, there is a system of lakes at the base of the mountain. You can search for yourselves, Fuji Five Lakes.

One night I meditated imagining I was a stone pyramid in the desert, for about one hour. The next day we had our martial arts training. I was teaching them japanese fencing. Kendo. At the end of the training, the same guy told me that "today you had something like a pyramidal aura around you!".

The next two experiments were about seeing things from parallel universes or imaginary worlds. I sent someone to see Cloud City from the Star Wars universe and others went on planet Kashyyk to describe an old rakatan piece of technology, the Builder Forge. Both sessions were a success.

Now, on our groups we are discussing about whether the remote viewer is seeing indeed reality as it is or they simply see what the tasker or client expect the reality to be. And this is then related to the problem of telepathy. Well, not as in a problem per se but there seems to be a phenomenon similar to telepathy. Or as I am going to argument, it is in fact telepathy.

I must tell you that even to conceive the title of this article took me more than one hour. Because I know the subject is so evanescent that it is hard to catch in our mind's web of words. Unfortunately I can only speak about my own ideas and my own experiences with next to no reference to other articles written by famous authors. Yesterday night I wrote only the title and went to bed, for example. Waiting for the subject to organize and crystallize in my conscious mind.

I know now from where I am going to depart: there is somewhere, out there, something fuzzy and incalculable that is the objective reality. What "out there" means, is still a subject to debate but it will do for now. Then, what we perceive as reality is in remote viewing terms, a collective AOL or analytical overlay dictated macroscopically by the genetic pool of this planet and on a higher level by the DNA of the human race. And, at the microscopical level it is dictated by the individual mind which constructs these analytical overlays with such great speed that the brain fools itself to believe this world is stable and continuous and logical.

Only in altered states of mind this AOL is out of sync and the mind starts seeing something else. The main idea is in what concerns us as sentient beings, reality is a cluster of individual constructs (AOLs) that are very similar from one individual to another and yet this similarity ends at some level. There is a lot of room left to play around with this dough called objective reality! (see the pyramidal aura experience mentioned above)

The second premise is that the mind is in fact an infinitely extended intelligent physical field that has a maximum of local self awareness inside a nervous system which has been carefully crafted by Nature to be easy to use by such a weak and yet intelligent field. So my mind, is your mind, is his mind, is their mind, is everyone's mind. Even ET's use the same resource.

Now, let's analyze carefully what is flowing from the first two premises. We get the conclusion that since reality is a construct of the mind and mind is the same field acting in each and everyone's head, some individuals that have the initiative, the intent, can to some degree dictate the reality perceived by others. Especially during extrasensory experiences that are most prone to contaminations, tamperings, etc. Sometimes, the intent is so potent that it can even interfere with our physical vision that is a hardcore hardwired process, and yet we perceive some extra things or outright hallucinations. Simple deceit is a mild form of such manipulation with the mind field.

Target Reference Numbers(TRN's) that are set by taskers are linking two blocks of information: the number and the target through the requirements. Just as in internet protocols theory, we get an IP for every server with a webpage and there is an extra server containing a table with IP numbers related to the name of the web page and domain. That is called a DNS or domain name server.

The table can be either in an envelope or in the tasker's brain, it doesn't matter. At some time it will be in someone's brain. If it was in the past or is in the preseent or it will be in the future when the envelope is open, it really doesn't matter since in the mind field, all time slices are accessible. Time is generated when mind is browsing through static pieces of data like a lybrarian. There are yoga techniques to make your mind go backwards and if you want to read about it you can check what Aleister Crowley managed to gather in his eclectic works about it and it's use. I am not a Crowley fan but I invested a bit of time in his theories just to make sure that corner was lit too.

Once a TRN number is set and associated to a target by one mind, when other mind focuses it's intent on the same TRN or IP, the TRN becomes a point in which the two minds, and brains become similar and since in the mind filed time is a continuous present, the two brains become synchronized and to some extent entangled. It doesn't matter when the task is created and when it is solved, there will still be synchronization through the continuous present of the mind field.

Two minds thinking of the same thing, looking at the same thing, the same symbol, idealized symbol, become one through that symbol. Their view upon the world has a chance to become an agreement. take for example yantras. Yantras are symbols of power from hindu yoga tradition. Through yantras we can all connect to the same information and connect to other minds. So as you can see, the internet is not at all a new invention.

I sense that there are civilizations that communicate across time and space in the Universe by using yantras that are specific and carefully crafted, and guarded. Yes, guarded. You do not want any hacker to know your IP. To link to your civilization and do who knows what.

And this is why the same site can have different TRN's given by different taskers. Because the link in between TRN and the site is kept in the minds of the tasker, client, remote viewers.

What happens if we do not use the TRN and only write "target"? Well, if I am right, the chain of information is still not broken! It finds another way through the person and name of the tasker for example and the block chain(nice video here in the link) is conserved. What if we find a note on the boardwalk that contains a TRN? It doesn't matter. In that case you will never know for sure what the target was.

What happens if by mistake two different taskers give the same TRN to two different targets? Then we have just as in the internet protocols, something called a subnet mask. It looks something like 255.255. 255.0 and under it, we can have an IP which is similar to another one but since one is operating under this mask, they do not interfere. So in the case of the two taskers, their individualities may operates as such masks.

So it seems that RV has developed into an ever evolving tool for inspecting some sort of infrastructure of the so called reality. But what do you know, in fact this infrastructure is intelligent and it is a cluster of billions of minds. And these minds are all covering like a sort of tiling, a strange multidimensional Object that is the The Whole Sort of General Mish Mash as Douglas Adams would intelligently put it.

Remote Viewing is like a tiny ruler with which we explore and approximate this weird, wild Object which we cover and approximate each to our best extent and phD diplomas. There seems to be a physics very similar to quantum physics and to graph theory if you observe what I tried to say in this article.

We haven't yet tried to experiment on TRN's generated by dead taskers maybe, and see if their intent is still alive and well. I guess you realize this means we can contact them to some extent and not from the other world but from the continuous present. We are not contacting the dead but the person while it was still alive! This should bring a new light upon what life after death more clearly means, and what ghosts may be, and what if we are haunting some places in advance of our "deaths".

We still have to try and influence someone else's remote viewing project and see if our intent can rewrite the cues of the tasks.

We still haven't assessed how dangerous is to keep around TRN's and symbols crafted by other persons who happen to know RV. Because each time we look at that thing, we may get connected to a small cue written somewhere.

RV is a tool for Server Administration. We can read and we can write the reality. We can write cues and program others to perform tasks unconsciously through TRN's. We can actually play with each other through RV sessions. A cue is a small piece of software. It is an algorithm. And information comes into unbreakable block chains, always finding a path to connect, usually by using the principle of least action. And a RV session could be what cryptocurrencies experts call the proof of work.

And many other weird uses that I will refrain to write here because even if they are simple ideas that come to me by simply exploring the chain of implications, they could be harmful.

I feel there are many things yet to say, but I must admit sincerely that writing this article was one of the hardest things for me to do until now because I had to gather all my power of understanding and try to separate myself from the subject and look at it very well before.




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