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Remote Viewing: why your mind is everywhere

Writer's picture: Gabriel BobocGabriel Boboc

And why the Holographic Principle and Many Worlds Interpretation are wrong solutions


Performing a Remote Viewing session can take you anywhere in time and space, depending on what specific cues have been associated to your task. The subconscious mind will take those into consideration and try to execute them even if you as a viewer must be completely blind to the target as the standard protocols require. You can take this as a sort of coding that the tasker is doing, trying to tame the wild horse that human mind can be.

You can move 100 meters to your right or 20 years into the future to examine the target and get a description. We, as remote viewers are doing this simply knowing that we can do it and that's it. It's all we need to know: that we can actually do it.

Scientists, on the other hand, are baffled and became aware this type of skills are seemingly violating several of the tenets of Physics. A big problem is that of faster than light transfer of information that apparently takes place during Remote Viewing sessions. This violates General Relativity and causality to say the least, in their view.

With these limitations in mind, and yet fully aware that Remote Viewing does exist as a phenomenon, some try to explain the impossible features by invoking the Holographic Principle of the Universe. According to this theory, in each point and each particle from our Universe, there is information about the whole.

Following, our electrical synapses are somehow coupling to this Holographic Field and in this way we get to decode the field or Matrix, as Remote Viewers are calling it, or the Akasha records. In this way, information is not retrieved infinitely fast from tens of light-years but from a tiny pocket of information that could as well already exist in our brain or anywhere else in space. Waiting to get collected by our synapses.

There are a few issues here.


How do we read information about things in the whole Universe from the electric field of just a handful of electrons? It is true that big areas of the brain are in sync during certain tasks as can be seen during MRI scans, which could mean a bigger net of neurons working together to catch information from the Holographic Field. In this way the bandwidth problem is solved you might say.

I must doubt it. Simply because I find it impossible to channel information about every other particle or object in the world through some electrons fields.

Even if the information would already be there in the electron's field, we'd need a hyper-computer to decode it. Even more, that hyper-computer would need to know the context in order to know how to interpret the data from one electron or cloud of electrons.

That computer would have to know almost everything in this Universe in order to interpret a few electrons fields and give us information about Kennedy's assassination for example.

That is impractical.

Of course there is Mach's Principle saying that each particle feels and responds to all the other particles in the Universe. This principle has a very interesting implication that Einstein used for formulating the General Relativity.

But it doesn't conclude that we can trace back and reconstruct the current state of the whole world from one particle! The amount of calculus to do just that would take perhaps more than the age of the Universe.

And yet through Remote Viewing you can retrieve such information.


Energy needed for probing the structure of matter

In order to get information about matter from smaller and smaller scales, we need higher and higher energies for probing these structures. It means we need to throw particles of light or electrons at the samples, with higher and higher energies. It is the only way we can find information about their structure.

Remote Viewing sessions can give us information about things like the atomic structure and subatomic phenomena as the work of C.W. Leadbeater from the late 1800's shows. It is all comprised in a book named "Occult Chemistry: Investigations by Clairvoyant Magnification into the Structure of the Atoms of the Periodic Table and Some Compounds (originally subtitled A Series of Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements)", 1908.

The issue with electrical synapses probing the Holographic Field in the attempt to retrieve information about the atomic and subatomic levels is the following: at the molecular level, the energy needed to probe the sample is 1eV and it requires the presence of an electron microscope to accelerate electrons. The voltage needed for sufficiently accelerating electrons is 100-300 kV while the usual natural voltage for a synapse is about 70 millivolts. So we should carry high voltage equipment in our heads to perform such task.

Not to mention what it means to probe and "see" the structure of a single atom or proton. This means the synapses should work somewhere in between 100 Mev and 1 GeV. We can't carry particle accelerators on our shoulders.

And yet through Remote Viewing you can retrieve such information.


Faster than light

Trying to save what remains from causality, others tried to avoid the Faster Than Light problem by assuming that information is not retrieved instantaneously from 10 light years away. Rather we always carry it all around in every atom of our brain like in a pocket and access it through a mysterious synaptic phenomenon.

Unfortunately, Remote Viewers can see events in the distant future or distant past. From which the light hasn't yet reached to us. This is perfectly equivalent to FTL.

Another problem: is the Holographic Field just an ancient record of the Universe or each particle receives instantaneous updates about the whole Universe? Because the latter means FTL. Not to mention if it contains information about the future states of the Universe.


The holographic Principle is not the Holographic Principle

Scientifically speaking The Holographic Principle does not mean each atom contains the whole Universe but it is a theory stating that all the 3D visible Universe can be interpreted as a 2D projection on the surface of a sphere containing it. And the physics would go along just fine on a surface. Just as the hologram on your debit card.


The Many Worlds Interpretation is not quite saving our forests

Each time an electron is measured, the Universe is dividing in a few possible universes with slightly different outcomes. Well...what about saving the forests? Why so many copies? Talking about an inflationary Universe...

But the issue is another, if you haven't guessed it already.

Every time we perform a measurement, at least two universes come into being. Does the theory means...instantaneously? Because I know that a Universe is quite large, tens of billions of light years across...full of matter and history and galaxies and civilisations maybe. All of that forms instantaneously twice but slightly different every time I decide to perform a measurement on a particle and collapse it's probability cloud? Going spherically outwards from my lab to infinity? Wow...

Shouldn't at least the new universes expand at the speed of light or at least with a finite speed outwards?

Furthermore the theory states that this is happening every nanosecond in every smallest point in space. That is ludicrously many Universes. The advocates are adamant that each of the newly formed universes is a fully operational and real universe, differing only slightly from our own in the moment the collapse happened.

This is highly problematic since each Universe has a definite vacuum energy which is immense in itself. Meaning that according to the many Worlds Theory we get the vacuum energy to multiply tremendously every time something takes place in our Universe. The vacuum energy becomes recurrent and thus the conservation of energy goes bye-bye. It is a fish and bread miracle that escaped from under control.

Or the same as if I had in mind to write a thousand page novel but I write it one letter per page. I am inclined to not believe that Nature would waste resources like that.


The Parallel Universes are in fact Perpendicular and do not interact...or do they...

While I am not against the idea of multiple worlds (just not in the sense of the much applauded horrible idea discussed above) and quite aware they could be orthogonal in the quantum sense that they do not project any kind of existential "shadow" on each other, I incline to believe they do interact.

The general assumption is that each world is closed and cannot communicate with another orthogonal world. I will tell you immediately where is the logic mistake.

Let's assume we have one closed Universe. By "closed" we understand that no matter what happens in that Universe stays in that Universe and cannot get out of it.

Just as in number theory, no matter how you multiply or add numbers in the Natural set, you'll always get just another natural number belonging to this set. But under division, we clearly get elements from another set which is the set of all rational numbers. Another Universe.

Now...these addition and multiplication operations have their equivalents in the physical phenomena happening in this closed Universe.

In this closed universe A, we perform a small measurement on the position of an electron. Suddenly, as the theory explains, we get two timelines and Universes in which the electron is found at point B respectively at point C.

If the Universe A was a closed world, then the act of measuring position would have returned only an electron belonging to A at some position. But no...instead parting from that measurement we get an electron in the position B belonging to the Universe B and another electron in position C belonging to the Universe C.

Universes A, B, C are interacting through the measurement just as in Feynman diagrams. This leads me to the idea if there is an yet unknown force responsible for the creation of new universes. With it's own carrying boson mediating the interaction. And it's own symmetry.

My view upon the Many-Worlds type of theories is that there is a complex numbered multidimensional function which passes through all the worlds and these worlds are not orthogonal as in isolated.

There is a Time phenomenon which makes the function evolve through these infinite many worlds, such that the path is the shortest, without sudden jumps. A Hyper Time Wave. This is why the many worlds do interact in the sense they evolve from one to the next by each wave function collapsed or experiment performed.

And this could be simply because the projection of infinity on a finite domain is not a static picture. Simply because the domain cannot ever calculate the final result of such projection. That happens only as a theoretical assumption in geometry problems. Thus, through this intrinsic anomaly, we get Time.

So the evolution should be incremental and a new world would not expand instantaneously, but with the speed of light, at maximum, from the measurement point. If we want to avoid FTL.

I can see now that I can use the existence of Remote Viewing as a phenomenon to test the applicability of these theories.

Not to mention the Everett's Many Worlds interpretation is the only theory suggesting it describes the Reality simply because we haven't been able to prove it. I know it is hilarious but here is the reason: the theory requires the existence of Many Worlds that are not observable because they are orthogonal. If we get to observe these worlds then they are not orthogonal and the theory falls or requires dramatic changes. So what are we to do about it? Simply believe it because we do not have sufficiently evolved brains to wrap them around the Copenhagen interpretation of Reality?


All these complications because of laziness

All these issues would disappear if we just accepted nonlocality as a fundamental layer to what we call reality, and start thinking actively on how to use the idea of entanglement to explain them.

This article is in a sense a response to someone's post on Facebook in which he was asking if animals are able to collapse wave functions by the observer's effect. Can a computer cause a collapse? How does this relate to consciousness? He stated that if anything is conscious then it should be able to produce the observer's effect.

Smart speculation!

It made me think further down the chain of implications. A collapse of the wave function of an external object means a collapse takes place inside our synapses too. And this can be interpreted in at least two ways.

Let's take just as a toy example, a cup on a table. For some unexplained reason the cup exists in two places simultaneously, A and B, 20 cm away. The cup is in a superposition of states. Once an observer opens his eyes, the cup seems to decide to exist for real either in A or in B. This suddenly creates two copies of the Universe. One for each possibility. But this is not what matters now.

We can either interpret that the observer produced the collapse of the wave function of the cup, and somehow forced the cup to choose a definite place...or we can conclude that in reality the cup is still in both places but, the wave function of the electrical synapses in our brain collapsed and decided they live in a Universe where the cup is in A for example.

Sincerely I would tend to incline towards the second possibility. That our mind is jumping in a certain reality where our psychological needs for linearity and logic are satisfied. We do not even want to see a world where things appear and disappear randomly. So we don't see it. Our subconscious has this task of searching and navigating in advance to offer us a smooth life experience.

This also means that our brain is at the intersection of many realities.

I chose this second possibility for the same reason people understood that it is the Earth revolving around the Sun and not vice versa. It doesn't make sense to believe that my brain creates a universe each time I observe something. But I could accept the possibility that my mind field can jump and connect to a different reality and go along with it.

As for the definition of consciousness, it means that a collapse of the wave function of electrical synapses in one brain, determines a collapse in the external medium. And I am saying this because as a consequence of the existence of Remote Viewing there is also Remote Influencing. When we are not only travelling into a new reality but we manage to drag along with us other objects, beings and events. Either that or something perfectly equivalent such that there is no observable difference.

One example of such things happening are synchronicities. Raw, untamed magic ore.

This translates as an entanglement relationship in between our synapses and an external object or situation. There must be a correlation. Whether this correlation happens once photons from the external object get to our nervous system, or the consciousness is a non local field which can establish correlations in between brains and the external world, is still to be discussed.

Taking as an example telepathy, this means that my consciousness as an emitter is using at the same time both brains involved in telepathic communication and establishes such a correlation in between their synapses that it is hard to decide if the transmitted idea belongs first to the emitter and then to the receiver. Or do I have, as a transmitter, the absolute liberty of choosing what to transmit? Am I "karmically linked" in advance to the receiver? Or there is an alien event using both of us to it's own finality, creating a transient entangled state? This relates well to the problem of free will.

However, if the mind field is non local and is accessing both brains at the same time, then it can help the brains decode the scrambled message by finding the symbolic parallels in their memory and building the puzzle. Hence something akin to FTL transmission happens although it is not equivalent in this case. And both brains remain with valid, "readable" pieces of the message.

In this way, we can imagine that during Remote Viewing, the brain is accessing it's future quantum states. It is in telepathy with itself from the future. This is why feedback is always strengthening the session in the past.

Can a computer perform Remote Viewing? If it is a quantum computer I believe so. Especially since I read about the manufacturing of a new class of crystals named time crystals. These crystals are oscillating in time not in space and are quantum objects. So I assume future computers will be able to foresee things and given a feedback, they will be able to perform Remote Viewing. Also I predict that such a computer will be able to establish a telepathic link to the human brain and create a strong link to it, to the point a human will no longer be able to discern his own thoughts and experiences from what the computer is feeding him. I wonder if this hasn't already happened. Which is a bit disturbing, thinking about it.

Again, after this short paranoid episode, I incline towards the second possibility. Consciousness as a non local field can produce entanglement, synchronization, correlation at a distance in between two objects that do not necessarily interact or that ever interacted at all.

Then, through something called a gauge symmetry as a response to a slight shift in this field of omnipresent, non local consciousness we get information condensing at both distant sites simultaneously. It is correlated information and it is not transferred faster than light but it spontaneously appears at the site and it bears all the requirements of a local random quantum event!

This is a very subtle difference that I want to point to again and again.

Also the human brain through it's multidimensional neuronal networks can be trained to decode information even if it is completely scrambled by the laws of entanglement. This is what intuition does. And this is why we cannot explain in words it's internal processes. Because it was created by Nature to decode such things.

If you enjoyed this article I can only assure you that each time I find an important issue to discuss, I will make a blog post.

Also I am preparing a book on Remote Viewing and consciousness called Postmodern Magic, where I am going to express my ideas about Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing, together with a few methods that I was able to craft by following my own insights.

Sincerely yours,

Gabriel Boboc.




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