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Imagination as a sensory organ. Theosophy and Remote Viewing

Writer's picture: Gabriel BobocGabriel Boboc

This article may be considered as a report on some similarities and some dissimilarities in between the discipline named Remote Viewing and some other older practices as used by the Theosophic movement.

As a level 6 advanced remote viewer, having passed through all the stages, I feel that I have a firm grasp on what Remote Viewing is and what are it's capabilities. Although these capabilities strongly depend on the subject using the protocols.

Many times in the forums I saw discussions started by people coming from different systems, some accepting that Remote Viewing is a valid technique, some purporting their ways are much more refined and bringing higher data accuracy.

From my observations, most of those asserting other esoteric means come with richer and clearer data, are not at all disciplined neither in Remote Viewing nor in the very techniques they are advocating. And by discipline I understand a bigger attention span of at least 45 minutes, a clear algorithm of their technique and coherently recorded data in sketches, text, etc.

For example, once I gave as a target the Minuteman missile gyroscopic guidance system to someone who pretended to be an expert in astral travelling and he reported he was in a yellow flowers field on a mountain side. I left him enjoy the view.

The facts that I brought into discussion, though, don't make me refute that there are other similar and much more ancient techniques. But what makes them differ a lot from the scientific form of Remote Viewing is that they are operating in a front loaded setting most of the time and they require a lot more discipline to master properly, perhaps years. Whereas Remote Viewing can be learned in a few months with startling results from the first sessions,in many cases.

In my teen years I came across one of Rudolf Steiner's books, and back then I was interested in paranormal activity, UFO phenomena, crystals, paleoastronautics, to name a few, and I had a good grasp of physics.

My brain was, as now, trying to incorporate the esoteric data with the real world physical laws and potentially expand my understanding in both directions by some sort of synergy in between the two domains. I still do it today.

But upon starting to read Steiner's book, I became outraged and put it away. His descriptions of the world and history seemed so far off and untrue that I could not read on more page. It was "Cosmic memory: Atlantis and Lemuria". Clearly I was not ready for it.

Ten years later, I began studying Remote Viewing on my own and also Israel Regardie's "Golden Dawn" and some of Aleister Crowley's writings. Again, I was inclined on physics and a hidden mechanism of the world that would incorporate the spiritual matters also.

I was not keen on following anyone and I am not now more than I was back then. I am only an engineer, a spiritual engineer. I am interested in snippets of information that I could assemble to create a more logic and understandable theory that would lead to a much better practice.

But the next time I felt the need to resume reading Steiner's worlds, and now from a certain point of view it made sense.

And this point of view was and still is a mixture of psychoanalitic views, physical phenomena and psychic phenomena. I am starting to see and feel a hidden structure of the reality that lies just at the intersection of these three circles: psychoanalisys, physics, psychic phenomena.

What I understood was that Steiner wrote his books being in a special mental state, just as we are while doing Remote Viewing. The practice of Remote Viewing made me understand the kind of processes he was using but still I wasn't aware about the precise technique.

Another clairvoyant author was Helena P. Blavatsky (see "Isis Unveiled" ) although she suffered some sort of debunking process from what I could see. Essentially it is claimed that her works were a mixture of historical and phylosophical literacy and a vivid imagination.

In any case, Rudolf Steiner's works do have a certain feel of consistency and I will explain now their way of doing things.

I have found out that there are two main ways of obtaining esoteric knowledge. The first, is a feminine way, passive, during which highly altered states are used, trance, mesmerism, sleep, drugs, essentially anything which could dissolve conscious thought and transform the subject into a channel for information.

"All these methods are unequivocally to be condemned as quite unsafe for the practice of the ordinary man who has no idea of what he is doing—who is simply making vague experiments in an unknown world. Even the method of obtaining clairvoyance by allowing oneself to be mesmerised by another person is one from which I should myself shrink with the most decided distaste; and assuredly it should never be attempted except under conditions of absolute trust and affection between the magnetizer and the magnetized, and a perfection of purity in heart and soul, in mind and intention, such as is rarely to be seen among any but the greatest of saints."

The second is a masculine way, where conscious control is maintained over the whole session and there is an active element, that of will and imagination that play an important role.

The Theosophic movement opted for the masculine way as it offered more control and kept the subject safe from intrusions, able to decide his own evolution.

If we look at Annie Besant's and C.W. Leadbeater's works on clairvoyance we can see that the adepts were fighting with the same issues a modern day remote viewer has. Emphasis was put on training the students to become aware of the differences in between sheer imagination and actual information.

Also a whole theory about how clairvoyance was possible and it's various classifications is put forth in C.W. Leadbeater's book, "Clairvoyance".

There is something called etheric vision which allows someone to see through objects at a certain depth, seeing the subtle bodies of other beings, and many other aspects.

"The appearance of animate objects is also considerably altered for the man who has increased his visual powers to this extent. The bodies of men and animals are for him in the main transparent, so that he can watch the action of the various internal organs, and to some extent diagnose some of their diseases."

"The extend sight also enables him to perceive, more or less clearly, various classes of creatures, elemental and otherwise, whose bodies are not capable of reflecting any of the rays within the limit of the spectrum as ordinarily seen. Among the entities so seen will be some of the lower orders of nature-spirits—those whose bodies are composed of the denser etheric matter. To this class belong nearly all the fairies, gnomes, and brownies, about whom there are still so many stories remaining among Scotch and Irish mountains and in remote country places all over the world."

And something else called astral vision which seems to have no limitation like the etheric vision as it is described in Clairvoyance:

"There is a distinct difference between etheric sight and astral sight, and it is the latter which seems to correspond to the fourth dimension".

"If you look at the back of a watch etherically you see all the wheels through it, and the face through them, but backwards; if you look at it astrally, you see the face right way up and all the wheels lying separately, but nothing on the top of anything else."

Their clairvoyance is imparted in etheric, astral, intentional, semi-intentional, spatial, temporal into the past, temporal into the future.

The main idea is that everything is here, revealed to us and yet we do not have the mental and psychological preparation to observe the hidden world of information around us.

For example, the astral sight is linked to the astral light which seems to be this all pervading medium that acts both as a memory and as construction brick for what we call reality.

The different problems arising in using etheric sight or astral sight look a lot like the modern problems encountered in the gaming industry with the rendering of 3D graphics for players in real time. There are hypothetical, mathematical "rays" that hit the surfaces, the vertexes, according to certain rules, and the results are put on your display as a whole new virtual world.

The same thing seems to happen in "reality" and our psyche seems to be able to take note of such processes and upgrade in such a way to explore them.

The apprentice has all the hardships awaiting for him:

"As a preliminary training towards the satisfactory achievement of such meditation, he will find it desirable to make a practice of concentration in the affairs of daily life—even in the smallest of them. If he writes a letter, let him think of nothing else but that letter until it is finished; if he reads a book, let him see to it that his thought is never allowed to wander from his author's meaning. He must learn to hold his mind in check, and to be master of that also, as well as of his lower passions; he must patiently labour to acquire absolute control of his thoughts, so that he will always know exactly what he is thinking about, and why—so that he can use his mind, and turn it or hold it still, as a practised swordsman turns his weapon where he wilt."

At any rate, the basic idea is that if we know what to look for, we'll end up seeing it. As an example since astral vision seems to operate in higher dimensions, like the four dimensional realm, then we need to understand the geometry in four dimensions before starting to recognize it in the things that we perceive.

And C.W. Leadbeater talks about using Charles Howard Hinton's book named "The fourth dimension" (1904). Hinton was a british mathematician and sci-fi writer, interested in the 4-th dimension. He is the one who coined the term "tesseract". In his book, Charles Hinton is introducing the public to the fourth dimension, popularising this concept. He is also aiming for the moral bases arising from understanding the fourth dimension:

"Hinton argues that gaining an intuitive perception of higher space required that we rid ourselves of the ideas of right and left, up and down, that inheres in our position as observers in a three-dimensional world. Hinton calls the process "casting out the self", equates it with the process of sympathising with another person, and implies the two processes are mutually reinforcing" (Anne De Witt (2013) Moral Authority, Men of Science, and the Victorian Novel, page 173)

The main idea is that by intellectual efforts and imaginative efforts in a certain proportion, we can gain a higher form of sensory inputs.

Now that I have briefly presented some key characteristics, I am going to pass to what the precise method was, however setting aside all the "spiritual ethics" that such literature comes prepackaged with.

If we draw the line there are only a few paragraphs that encompass all there is to know about such practices and together with what the practice of Remote Viewing gave us, we can try and create perhaps a new and hopefully better method.

In this case, the key is imagination. Imagination becomes the sensory organ. This is the key feature.

Just as in Remote Viewing there are voices saying that there is a very strong corellation in between inspiration-creation-perception.

The Remote Viewer is inspired and creative and yet his creativity sits in a very delicate balance, always ready to be "disturbed", "shaped" by actual data coming towards his senses.

In the Theosophical approach we are starting by strongly imagining certain objects, events, situations, emotions, etc and yet keeping a neutral attitude towards them. We must not cast upon our imagination or upon the objects that we see, the things that we already know or our biases. And this is the hardest thing to do.

However, if we succeed in doing so, we'll see that at some point our perception becomes activated by some external data that is new, that is coming from somewhere.

Together with our intent of seeing how certain aspects look, the imagination will become sensible to such kind of data and become perturbed in such a way as to emanate it. This intent is similar to cueing in Remote Viewing. Buit we are cueing ourselves and wait patiently until our imagination is molded into or against the type of data that we are searching.

I have experimented with such type of meditation or imagination when I performed a session on the causes that generate climate change on our globe and the session was quite enough to make me understand that there is something to this method when it is practiced by a remote viewer.

You can find the article on that session here: I have combined Remote Viewing techniques with teosophic techniques and the result was surprising.

But the discipline needed for such method must be sevenfold and it can be quite exhausting until we get accommodated with it.

Using a comfortable office chair in a semiobscure chamber with no distractions of any kind, colours, sounds, smells, relaxing, we must not be tired nor agitated. Using my session as an example, we imagine ourselves outside in space, at a good distance allowing us to see the Earth and it's atmosphere.

And accepting that we can use this technique and striving not to perturb the image with known things, with preconceptions, only being preoccupied with the question: "what is causing climate change". We wait, keeping only that faint image before our eyes in semiobscurity and at a certain time we notice the Earth's atmosphere, with no intention from our part, developing a bulge. Like a big frozen wave, like a blue crest. Like the blueish atmosphere is pulled or pushed by some external or internal cause.

And this perception was simply achieved by using imagination as a sensory organ. We have only barely kept it alive like a frail ghost at the edge of dissolution while keeping our question, our intent active. And just like the forensics dust, this ghostly imagination of Earth's atmosphere, caught something . Something disturbed it from it's shape without our volition.

This was only one of my experiments with such things. However Rudolf Steiner's work where he rediscovers and sees the subtle forces acting upon human history and human spirits, writing thousands of pages, that work is astounding.

The only close thing to such type of perception is Carl Jung's active imagination psychotherapeutical exercise that was devised precisely for the patient to use imagination as a diagnosis tool. By letting the imagined things in his mind develop and revisiting them each session. Although Carl Jung was not very fond of Theosophists, yet himself being cultivated in alchemy and various esoteric practices such as I Ching.

We can see the hidden causes sometimes as metaphors, archetypes, spirits, colours and everything we can imagine. This is why I am also inclining towards the psychotherapeutical value of Remote Viewing and other esoteric preoccupations.

This is a Natural virtual world waiting for us to enter it and explore it, and it is opposed and different from the technological path that has opened before us, enticing us towards an artificial spiritual trap that has nothing to do anymore with being human and conscious.

The highest point would be that some day we'll be able to see the truth in front of our eyes just like the fluid day dreaming imagery from our childhood. I am sorry if this sounds like poetry but it is the real idea.

To such a practicioner, the world around him becomes full of new colours, information, fields surrounding objects, beings, events. Relationships in between things can be seen and followed. He can hit a "play" button and see the state of things into the past or towards the future.

This the end of my briefing on the imagination being used as a sensory organ and the possibility of fusing Remote Viewing with this type of discipline as an extra tool or extra filter to be used and experimented with.

By no means am I trying to negate the original Ingo for of training and I will defend it as being the last line of defense from...well, from many points of view. But I feel the need to find the structure of our mental world that seems to be for now quite the only world we know of.




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