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Informational field lines in Remote Viewing

Writer's picture: Gabriel BobocGabriel Boboc

How many times have we heard the phrase: "Nobody knows how remote viewing works?” While pondering on the intricacies of Remote Viewing, a sudden insight unpacked in my mind: “Well, that’s a problem, isn’t it? In any field, the usual solution to a problem is to rearrange the original information in such a way as to solve the problem.

What if we have all the data we need, but we need to look at it from a different perspective? What if we had to rearrange them in a new way in order to see what's going on?"

One sip from my coffee cup later, I knew that “we could understand how Remote Viewing works just by looking at what it does.”

Let's take a look at how a remote viewing session can be structured. There is a target to be seen (I will use here the most prevalent sensory ability), a target reference address (usually a number, TRN), an intention towards the target or a list of cues, feedback, a viewer, a tasker, a monitor and a final beneficiary of the information or client.

First, let’s examine what this means, and reformulate it in a way that we see the effects and can follow the stream of implications in a logical manner. Initially, we can observe that there is already an information hierarchy or chain in between these elements.

The address is linked to the target through what some call cues , otherwise it would just be a series of numbers or alphanumerics offering no direction. The viewer is linked to the target through the address and the tasker (I will leave out the monitor for now). The tasker is linked to the target, the viewer and the client, as well as to the target address and cues.

But is this link that I am talking about real? Why do we have this link? How is it created and what keeps it alive? If we analyze further we observe that this link is created and maintained by the human minds involved in the remote viewing project but also it has a causal component up to a point.

The causal(call it worldly) component of this linkage is constructed by all the physical interactions in between the participants in the project and this takes place in the well behaved domain of physics.

That is what I try to signal in this article: interactions in between the participants in the project and this takes place in the well behaved domain of physics.

When it comes to explaining how the link is created by the human minds, this is the moment when we must start redefining the notions of space and distances.

If we observe how Remote Viewing works, we can ask ourselves not only what can Remote Viewing learn from physics but also what can physics learn from how Remote Viewing works. In my understanding, the research done at Stanford Research Institute, which lead to the creation of the Remote Viewing protocols, involuntarily maybe managed to identify and isolate a fundamental and basic set of elements or building blocks, that are taking part in a new physics of information transfer.

Every time that I am watching a remote viewing session, this aspect becomes visible to me. Space-time, in my opinion, has an informational dual space that has nonlocal characteristics. The informational space is isomorphic to the space-time and that is why we have physics going on inside the informational space too.

The term "dual" comes from mathematics and physics and it means something like a twin or a shadow of a certain object that usually has some different properties but these properties follow the same set of rules and they both describe the same thing, thus they are also isomorphic.

Physics from the informational space will effect physics from space-time through a transform similar to the Higgs mechanism that will take a certain state of facts from the informational dual space and insert it, map it, translate it into the causal chain in the "normal" space-time. We are living in a special space, where information and space-time, these two complementary layers of our reality, are compacted.

Compacted, means they are occupying the same space and actually they are the same space, just different faces of the same coin.

The Higgs mechanism is a mechanism through which, from an imaginary and always unstable coexisting space, a real quantity of energy gets suddenly materialized into our real observable space.

What some esotericists call the Akasha chronicle, is this dual space and our mind resides there and its expanse is vast or as vast as we tend to be aware of.

This is akin to a LED screen of a computer, every pixel on this screen is also matter, also information, also memory and also part of the computer's processor.

That is why in this dual informational space, all the characteristics of an object, being or event, are also part of the exact address to that object.

The more we know about an object, the closer we are to it, in this dual informational space.

Mind operates in the dual informational nonlocal space and thus it can affect the physical space due to the isomorphism in between the two types of space.

If we want to understand now the phrase "as above so below", it is time to call it an isomorphism and, as a parenthesis, it is the gateway through which what some call magic operates.

The informational space is as real as the known space-time and they are indistinguishable unless we choose to view from one perspective or the other.

The informational dual space can be considered the mental space, the imaginary space, probably we can use a quite appropriate parallel to the complex numbers.

I have discovered by studying what happens during sessions that most of our reality is in fact a vector that mixes values from both the physical causal space-time and the imaginary dual space.

And this was rather unsettling for me but also it opened up a series of insights and understandings about our reality and psi phenomena.

There is an informational chain or circuit that has two components or two kinds of field lines: a causal one and a nonlocal imaginary one.

Any remote viewing session is in fact establishing such an informational circuit, by using the minimal fundamental building blocks of a session.

The causal part of the informational field line is made out of all the interactions in between the tasker, viewer, monitor, client, etc and also the moment of the feedback. It is traceable and it is a chain of events that have a succession in time and the Universe remembers it.

The nonlocal part is where the mind of the viewer interacts with the target by going through the informational dual of the space-time.

Since I said that we are living on a large display that is also a computer and a memory, every thing on this display has an address which is equivalent to all its characteristics.

Everything sits at a clear address which also identifies the object.

In the dual space the data about an object, its address and the object itself are one and the same, unlike what we get in the normal space-time that we are accustomed to by default. The remote viewing informational chain is created by sentient minds, through intent and association tables just as in any computer.

The minds being nonlocal and possessing intent, they can declare two or more objects as being one physical system. This being for now at least impossible for a synthetic mind which even if it can have intent, it can operate only in the causal domain. It doesn't have the nonlocal characteristic to perform psi skills.

Intent, if we decompose it, we can see that it is a sort of programming loop that has a goal, a means to deviate the statistics towards accomplishment of the goal, energy or momentum budget reserved for the task, and a feedback loop in order to correct the action in case primary attempts failed.

The mind, being nonlocal has all these and in a very interesting way it can manipulate the probabilities and using feedback loops to refine the results, by using the isomorphism in between space-time and its informational dual.

Also, two or more minds that are concentrating on one symbol or string of numbers or any object of interest, will become one system. In our case, the target address or the target itself is the one thing that is common to the minds of the tasker, monitor, viewer, client.

We could describe my theory by using a sort of ad-hoc pseudo programming-code and what the tasker, let's call him John, will create an association in his mind in between target and the address in the form:


What the viewer, call him Jim, will do is to perform a remote viewing session operation of that variable:

session=get_data from task.John

and you can see that here the causal chain remembers that Jim entered contact causally with John and got the task from him, so the informational chain is kept.

If it happens to have two targets with the same address like 1234, one from John and one from Alice then no worries, the causal chain will do its duty and the two sessions will not be fused:

session1=get_data from target.1234.John

session2=get_data from target.1234.Alice

No matter what we do, because of how this Universe works, the two taskings and informational systems are separated by the physical interactions in between the group members.

This is the hardware part of the remote viewing session and even we fall into a blackhole, this chain of human interactions will get preserved.

Also, anytime one of the fundamental blocks of a session are missing, one of the others will supplement it or Nature will find a new mapping or connection to fulfill the same role.

In my opinion, the viewer, tasker, client are part of one system. The remote viewing session contains all of them and we could say that the client is actually doing the session through the viewer.

If we do not provide a feedback to the viewer, there is no problem, the feedback is known by the client, the informational chain is closing through the client. Just as electric and magnetic field lines, these informational lines cannot be interrupted, they must always land somewhere.

They can be diverted, contorted but never broken or else we'd have information appearing for no purpose and without a cause.

Which is interdicted in our universe at least. If we do not get an address number for the target, no problem, we can create our own variable:

session=get_data from target.Joe

We know it is from Joe, so that is enough to complete the chain.

I am not coming to change definitions but to try and understand what lies beneath these definitions.

It is precisely as with the definition of the aerodynamic lift: aerodynamic lift is the perpendicular component force on the flow of air around an object.

That is the definition that nobody can deny. But the problem is that even if the definition has been given, a reasonable theory for why we have aerodynamic lift hasn't been created yet.

They all have holes that if we don't ignore, we get into unknown territory. If we see space-time and distances as informational nodes, graphs, addresses, we'll be able to understand better why does our mind expand everywhere in time and space.

Then, Remote Viewing becomes navigation. And we'll never see reality the same way again.

The more we know about an object, the closer we are to it.

In Remote Viewing, this fact can have even more intense repercussions because we can experience an object or event to a much greater extent and more intensely than if we saw it with our eyes, or in the news or in any sort of media file. The farther away an object or event is, the less we know about it and we start thinking that we know about it rather than experiencing it.

I could now explain bilocation as the effect of a strong resonance in between the viewer and the target and the distance growing smaller with every descriptor and information coming in.

That is why I am expecting that at much higher theoretical stages of Remote Viewing, there is so much information pereceived about the target that the distance becomes close to zero both in informational space and its twin, the physical space-time, that we can perform real physical operations on the target itself.

But this theory together with my ideas open up some implications about physics and the nature of reality and what could be achieved that disturb me and sometimes I wonder if I should express my ideas ever.

Remote Viewing could be only the first preparatory stage before initiating interstellar travel, from my point of view. It is stage one, part of a larger protocol that we still have to create or discover. But we are still missing some "items" in order to build this technology.

Now, to better explain what I meant through addresses and informational space, I will have to resort to some analogies with the internet masks and a certain device used in astronomy to create artificial eclipses that help observing the solar corona in any time of the year. Let us say that our target is a cube about which we are missing some information.

In this informational space-time, everything we already know about the cube will be it's real address: cube(yellow, warm, large, beveled, heavy, hard, rotating, etc, etc) This list of coordinates forms the address and it can go a long way until the proper cube, the real cube is approached.

For example we could have another cube: cube(blue, cold, large, beveled, heavy, hard, rotating, etc, etc) In this informational space, there is a distance in between these two cubes, created by the two different descriptors: (yellow-blue), (warm-cold).

As there is this informational distance in between them, they will be two different objects, at some informational distance. If ever they were to share precisely the same string of coordinates(descriptors), they are one and the same object, the distance in between them is zero.

One or two wrong assumptions of the tasker or client can set a viewer in a completely different direction and the possibility of deviating further can increase just as in normal navigation with distance i.e. the longer the session takes.

Now let us say that we do not know anything about the texture of the target, our cube. And there is no other way to find it out but reaching out to a remote viewer.

We cannot give him all the information that we already know about it since this would be front-lolading. The tasker will create a mask of the address, just as in the internet masks almost by occulting all other known coordinates to the viewer but still orienting him through a mental table(or written table) toward the target.

Whatever the client or tasker already know or think they know about a target, matters a lot unless they learn to detach from any expectations. That is why in remote viewing, the viewer-tasker-client create a bounded system that many fail to acknowledge, in my opinion.

Then, the viewer once oriented toward the target, through the gateway that the tasker left open for him, he will open his senses and start perceiving in that direction. Hopefully, among all the informations he gathers, the texture of the cube will also come through. The informational field lines can follow just as in Feynman diagrams a whole series of probable trajectories.

And we can define a few cases:

1) some trajectories will start and end up in the Imaginary domain, remaining forever in the subliminal part of our mind

2) other lines will start in the Imaginary domain and cross into the causal domain, generating data that we can perceive

3) going from imaginary into causal and then looping back into causal: the causal domain contains the analytical mind and this means that after we get a real information from the nonlocal domain, our causal mind loops into itself and generates an AOL based on that initial piece of information

4) starting from the causal domain and ending being attracted back into the causal domain: that is a definition of a purely analytical mundane thought.

If we compare the circuit with an electrical circuit, why not an oscillatory one, we'll see that we have the biological energy of the viewer being converted into information. And we have an oscillation in between the causal chain of the circuit and the imaginary, informational field, almost like a an RC resonator involving a coil, a source and a capacitor. Every time we are prompting for information, we are giving an impulse to the circuit and we expect data.

We have then a circular, ring shaped causal Universe or domain, in which all elements, events, objects, are embedded in a causal chain, just like a blockchain and outside of it there is this hyperbolic dual space of information tangent in every point to the causal circle.

If you want to talk about the free will conundrum, I have found a solution to it which works best for me: free will exists in the dual-space as a nonlocal property.

Once I decide to use my free will, it will have to get translated into the causal ring and embedded in between two cause or effect elements and that is no longer a free will, it will look like it is quite determined. So free will has this quantum aspect to it.

You use it, you lose it but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The mind operates in both spaces and can integrate in the causal "blockchain" data which is obtained through nonlocal means.

There is no contradiction in between these two points of view and it is all similar to the holographic principle or the AdS/CFT theory which specifies that our Universe is dual, consisting of a causal 4D energy bulk that we observe as our universe, and outside of it there is this lesser dimensional boundary which is nonlocal and contains all the information inside the bulk that we observe.

These are my ideas as a simple man who tries to understand the world we live in, including psychic phenomena, trying to give at least to myself a unitary explanation.




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